Chapter Nineteen

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Mia's P.O.V.

My mouth kept gaping open like a guppy fish with my eyes bulging open, centred on the man that had entered the lift just then as the lift started moving. Could you really blame me though? The man in front of me looked frighteningly like Jeremy. The same tousled dark brown hair, the same pair of cerulean blue hues and the same everything. However, he looked worst than the state Jeremy was in. His hair was covered up with a cap and he looked awfully thin. I could have proven my suspiscions 'cause Jeremy had stiffened from next to me and was holding tight onto my hand.

I tugged on his shirt and he looked down at me. I hated the look in his eyes. It was like he had switched back to his cold self from before. Who knew that your own father could make you this bitter? Although my hands were trembling tremendously and the man was just standing a few feet before us, I stood on my tip toes and whispered into his ears while tangling my hands through his tousled hair. "Later, I have a present for you." 

When I pulled back a little, I saw the shock on his face and held back my laughter. If it wasn't for the situation we were in, I'm sure I would thrown my head back and laughed but I simply flashed him a sincere smile and felt him heat up with passion. He pressed a kiss on my cheek and mumbled huskily, "Later." I nodded, feeling the blush spreading all the way down. To my toes. Even if I had only done it to make him feel better but I couldn't help it. This was after all, Jeremy we were talking about. 

The lift stopped then and the man stepped out of the lift. Jeremy and I hung back a little while before striding out of the elevator. The man stopped all of sudden, unmoving. I looked over his shoulder and felt like an intruder all of a sudden. Jeremy's mom and sister were already at the reception desk, probably checking Jeremy in. They were completely oblivious to the fact that the replica of Jeremy senior was staring at them with wide blue eyes. Just at that very second, Mama Cover turned around with Lucy and looked right at the man. Both their eyes widened at the sudden sight before them.

This was not going to end well. 

Larissa's P.O.V.

An awkward silence had crossed between Chris and I. Actually, it was more like a zebra crossing now 'cause none of us had started up a conversation. We were in his car now, on our way to the hospital with Karen, Zach, Chelsea and David following from behind us. Snapping my gaze from the scenery outside, I looked at Chris.

He was gripping the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles were turning white as sheet. His pink lips were set in a firm line and his chocolate brown held so many emotions that I couldn't choose which one he was feeling at the moment. Sighing deeply, I fished my phone out of my pocket, dialed a number and pressed the phone to my ear. He didn't even spare me a glance. It dialed a few times before -

"Ris? What's wrong?" came Karen's worried voice through the phone. I rolled my eyes mentally. Ever since Jeremy fell sick, she has been such a worry wort that even Jeremy can't stand it. Truth is, he can't stand all of us being so worried for him. "It's nothing, K. Just wanted to tell you that Chris and I stopping by a cafe or something for awhile. You guys can go on ahead of us."

"No, we are not."

I shot him a glare in which he simply flared his nose and gripped the steering wheel even harder than he did a few seconds ago. "Sure, we can. Take all the time you need. There's nothing wrong, right?" I looked over at Chris and saw that his anger hadn't turned down one bit. "I'm about to find out, K."

Jeremy's P.O.V.

I knew it was him the moment he stepped into the elevator. The same bastard that left Mom when I was only five. The same bastard that gave me empty promises and hopes. The same bastard that didn't even spare Lucy and I a second glance when he decided to walk out of our lives.

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