Chapter Twenty-Two

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Larissa's P.O.V.

"So, Larissa. Tell us a little about yourself," Mrs. Valentine queried as we took our seats at the table. I had to fight back a giggle when Chris had rushed behind my chair, dragged it out and tucked me in as I took my seat. I guess he was trying to impress his dad. I was still a little upset over the fact that Chris had just spilled a waterfall of tears a few minutes ago. But when I glanced over at him, he seemed fine. 

"There's actually not much to tell," I mumbled as I passed the gravy around the table. Chris took the gravy out of my outstreched hand and rolled his eyes dramatically. "Please. Mom, this girl has way too many stories to tell which is why she is being modest." That was my cue to roll my eyes. His mom chuckled lightly at our silent banter before turning her gaze towards me. "Well, let's start with the reason you moved here." My facial expressions must have dropped 'cause she immediately added. "If it isn't too personal." 

I smiled gratefully at her. "No, it's fine. One of the reasons was because my mom's department got transferred here. The other reason is - my dad died a few months before and my boyfriend another month or so after." The atmosphere thickened as Chris' dad watched me with an expressionless face. His mom, on the other hand, simply shook her head. "I really am sorry for asking such a sensitive topic, Larissa." I smiled, waving my hand back and forth. 

"It's okay. I didn't want to have to lie too." I explained honestly. It was the truth after all. There was something about this family that makes me want to spill out everything that has ever happened to me. Maybe it was because of the things they have been through as well. "I'm glad you told us and I'm sorry for your loss," Chris' dad sympathised with me. My lips tilted up into a sad smile. "It's truly alright." Chris reached out under the table and grabbed my hand in a reassuring squeeze. I returned the pressure of the squeeze just as much. 

"I heard that you sing, Larissa." Mama Valentine interrupted my dreamy thoughts. I looked over at Chris and he shot me a guilty smirk. I shook my head at him before turning my attention towards Mama Valentine. "Yes, I do. I play the guitar as well." She flashed me a grin whilst wiggling her eyebrows. "Oh. I know all about the late night serenades, sweetheart." This time I choked on my ice lemon tea, my eyes teared a little. Chris patted my back and soon enough I was left with a sore throat. 

I shot a glare in Chris' direction to which he flashed a sheepish smile. 

Idiot. . .

I looked back at Mama Valentine who was grinning like a Mad Hatter. "Your son can sing too." Mr. Valentine lifted up his eyebrows in Chris' direction. Chris simply ate in silence without lifting up his eyes. His cheeks were tinged with pink. Aww! He's blushing -

"Sing, eh? Why, I never knew that, Chrissy?" Mama Valentine questioned in a teasing tone. Chris grumbled under his breath and forked a mouthful of spaghetti. I shook my head, smiling. "How is Jeremy doing, Chris?" 'Dad' asked. Chris shrugged nonchalantly. "He's having fun, of course since his babysitter is Mia. But, all in all, he is definitely holding up." 'Dad' nodded at that. "The boy needs to be healthy again. His mom has already been through hell," 'Mom' contemplated. I had to let out a mental sigh when Chris didn't mention the fight Jeremy had gotten into with his father. This night would have turned out to be a disaster.

The rest of the dinner went on with how many siblings do I have, how was I coping with school and so forth. Later on, I had to fight back a mirth of laughter when Chris slurped the remaining of his spaghetti from his fork in caveman style. That led him to receiving a painful smack across the head for such behavior. I did laugh when he groaned and rubbed the sore part of his head. 

At 10.30, Chris wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin, tossed it on the table and stood up. "Well, Mom, Dad. I gotta send this pretty lady home." 'Mom' and 'Dad' stood up simultaneously at that statement. "Alright then. It was nice to finally meet you," said 'Mom' with a warm, motherly smile planted on her face. 

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