fifty three

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nyuchoi --> c.chanhee


liked by imthemoon, hursheys and 4,019,729 othersc

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liked by imthemoon, hursheys and 4,019,729 others
c.chanhee visited him at the restaurant he works in and found stalkers waiting outside. damn, he's already taken so what are you people doing this shit for?

side note: he's on a social media break to avoid all of your cruel words and instead, i'm reviewing them and for those asking him to kill himself, i'll be filing charges for harassment.

oh, junhochoi and actessleekara, since i'm pretty sure you obtained information on him illegally, don't worry! you two will soon get your very own prison cells or at the very least, serve some form of punishment. consider it an early christmas present from your dearest son <3

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leejuyeah omg we can all wear cool suits and walk into the courtroom all cool 🥵😎😎
imthemoon YEA
hursheys i dont think thats the point here but i see where youre going with this
junyoo the paperwork........
hursheys its okay babe im sure itll be fine its not like youre a lawyer
junyoo i still work as a part of the law??? its all connected???
leejuyeah sorry dude 😓
imthemoon bestie regretting his life choices
junyoo this isnt stonks

changomoji i like the new username >♡<
changomoji and yes! let them rot in prison till theyre old and decaying and the insects have started eating at them hehe!
bbanghoon changmin no thats disturbing
changomoji :// fine
changomoji let them rot in prison where they will face adequate charges ig and all that legal stuff sigh
bbanghoon okay thats better
changomoji ://
juhacksyou ngl, i liked the first one more
juhacksyou it had more CHARACTER
changomoji EXACTLY thank you :D
juhacksyou youre welcome
bbanghoon i am: concerned

yoursohneric if i had taken a picture of sunwoo, he wouldve tossed me to another dimension but when chanhee does it its fine???
yoursohneric favouritism sigh
leejuyeah its okay youre my favourite i can show you favouritism if youd like 🤩🥰
hyunjaehyun hey hey leesangyeon can you show me favouritism too
hursheys he already does???
baecob im kevins favourite! ≧◡≦
imthemoon yes you are my angel 🥺
changomoji i wanna be someones favourite :(
hursheys bbanghoon
bbanghoon we arent together anymore but youre my fav changmin <3
junyoo dont mean to intrude but...just get back together moron 1 and moron 2
hyunjaehyun sangyeon is ignoring me again shld i even be shocked
juhacksyou nah hes just thinking of what to send you
leesangyeon ...youre my favourite ig
junyoo and here we have moron 3 and moron 4
hursheys i love when my boyfriend is intellectual
junyoo stonks
hursheys nvm i want a refund


choi chanhee

unknown number
take down your post chanhee.
its painting my company in a
bad light.

choi chanhee
well you shouldn't have weaponised
personal information

unknown number
you did that too with your mother.
remember how you 'exposed' her?
you're no better than us — truly a

choi chanhee
you know what's the difference
between us?

choi chanhee
you exposed an innocent person's
life and think you're in the right.
you dragged his innocent family
members into this matter between
us and yet you want to victimise
yourself and mom. how selfish can
you possibly be?

choi chanhee
meanwhile, the stuff that went out
about mom was showing how she
was in the wrong — she's a horrible
mother just like how you're a horrible
father. but apart from that, she's a
horrible employer as well.

choi chanhee
the way she treated her staff just
because she's a big time actress was
simply immoral and the very fact that
now you're trying to stir the public to
think that sunwoo is the bad guy in
this picture is just outright unfair to
him and his family.

choi chanhee
have they ever hurt you? have they
ever wronged you in any way?

choi chanhee
and apart from that, mom used the
future of my friends as a bargaining
chip to use against me.

choi chanhee
why are you two using the people
i care for when this fight, this struggle,
is between our family? what did they
ever do to either of you? all they've
ever done was make me happy,
something you and mom failed to do
in all 23 years of my life.

choi chanhee
so just own up to your mistakes while
you still can.

choi chanhee
and, if you aren't going to at least
try to reflect on your actions, don't
message me again.



author's note:

im sick today so i stayed at home and wrote this chap 👍 (so i apologise 10 times if it aint that amazing 😭)

unrelated but my teacher called my mom (bc they had to call all parents to talk about grades and stuff) and nice to know my teachers believe in me but its hdjsks to know that they all see me as overly humble which leads to a severe lack of's true but why 😭

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