Grand Central Station

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We kissed and once we finally came up for air, I could feel Chris smiling before I even opened my eyes. "I can't tell you how long I've waited to kiss those lips." And now that I have, I don't want to stop, but only if you are happy with that. "He smiled with full on lust in his eyes. "I don't want to stop Chris, but I didn't know you felt the same way about me as I do you" I said, biting my lower lip trying to hold back the biggest grin ever. I wanted him to answer with something, anything, but all I got was his hand running up my arm gently making my body shiver at his touch before he pulled me in for another long, lust-filled kiss. When we stopped again, I tilted my head with a smirk, "That was not an answer, Mr. Miller, and I will not kiss you again until I get my answer and you know how stubborn I can be." I said, raising my eyebrows with a smirk on my face, "Alright, you want an answer? Are you ready for this?" I nodded and he continued, "OK. We had a little thing when we were in high school, but we never really let it go anywhere and that has haunted me since we just agreed to stay best friends, and don't get me wrong, I love them. I'm glad we didn't go our separate ways because this may never have happened. I don't want to ruin our friendship, but I want to be able to kiss you and hold your hand properly knowing that it's something more than friends, but I don't want you to feel pressured into this OK! " This time we sat in silence as I twiddled my thumbs trying to think what to do now. Should I kiss him again or speak to him? If I kiss him, this could go on all night long and if I talk right now, I don't know what to say. I opened my mouth and kissed his lips once and said "Ok" and smiled at him with a heart full of happiness.

We decided to watch a movie in bed after going and getting something for dinner. We ended up getting Chick-fil-A, which I don't think either of us had eaten in way too long. Once, we grabbed our order and headed back to the hotel. When we got to our room, we changed and then I crawled into bed holding out my hand and he laughed, asking "Now is that for me or the food?" I shook my head with a light laugh and replied "Do you want to eat with me, Mr. Miller." I winked at him and he jumped into bed with me and we got cozy. Our movie had just started, so we sat back and enjoyed the food and the movie together.

We watched another movie after the first one and at some point during the movie, I fell asleep cuddling up to Chris and he wasn't far behind me, as when we woke up the next morning, still all cuddled up together, the TV was still on with Netflix still showing on the screen. We just lay there together holding hands as he ran his other hand over my shoulder and pulled the duvet up a little further. As I was shivering a little, I turned over to face the window and I felt him come up behind me and whispered in my ear "I could get used to this you know." I let out a tired yawn, "Hmmm me too. That was the best night's sleep I've had in so long".

We had breakfast delivered again, but something a little lighter this morning considering all the crap we ate yesterday, so Yogurt Parfait with Seasonal Fruit and Handmade Granola it was. We both just sat there looking at each other. I was trying to figure out how this was happening. I wasn't mad at it because I wanted it to happen. It just felt so surreal when Chris cleared his throat and asked, "So what are we getting up to today? What can we go and see that's close by? We can save the far-out thing for tomorrow if you want." I looked out the window as I tried to decide on an outfit and where to go. "Why don't we go to Madame Tussauds, Grand Central Station, and walk around Times Square. Depending on how long it all takes, we could always try going to the Empire State Building." He just stared at me. "What is there something on my face?" I started wiping my face with my hands when Chris grabbed my hands and said, "Just wondering how I got so lucky even though we've just started this part of our lives. You make me so happy it's weird, but in a good way, if that makes sense. Please say it makes sense? " I looked at him as he spoke and took in every word. I knew he was panicking a little, so I did what felt right and kissed him and he kissed me back. smiling into the kiss he said "we could always just stay in today, you know" wiggling his eyebrows at me. "No, there is plenty of time for that and two beds for it as well." He sat back shocked, not expecting me to be so forward about what he was insinuating. "I'll keep that in mind for later then shall I?" I sang my way into the bathroom and shouted "Yeah, you do that sweetie" I washed my hands and went back and we grabbed our stuff and left.

We went to Madame Tussauds and took some pictures with the stars and then went to Grand Central Station where I relived the Gossip Girls' iconic Serena Van Der Woodsen's arrival back in New York. To say Chris thought I was nuts was definitely putting it lightly. He laughed the whole time, but no one else seemed to care. They were busy going to their trains or leaving the station and I was in my element. We took a few pictures and left. Now it was time for Times Square. We grabbed lunch and then went to Starbucks for a pick me up. We had crammed so much into the few days we had been here, so we went into a few stores and then headed back to the hotel again. By this point, it was 3pm, but we didn't care. Walking back, Chris grabbed my hand and pushed me into an alley and pinned me to a wall. "What the hell?" I told him, "I'm sorry, but I really want to kiss you right now. I didn't mean... " I tugged on his jacket to pull him down to my height so I could kiss him. There was something about all those people walking past us and not even batting an eye at us that made it so much better than before in the hotel. It felt hotter, more needy and the thought of someone catching us even better. I felt my stomach flutter with anticipation and excitement. "Wow ok, remind me to do that again" he laughed, catching his breath. "I don't know what the hell just came over me but that was amazing"

We left going to the Empire State Building for another day. We just couldn't do anymore today, even though we had only been to three different places, but we weren't used to all the hustle and bustle that was NYC. We changed into our comfy clothes and laid on top of what we were going to end up calling the spare bed, as I knew now it was now our bed for the remainder of our time here, which I didn't want to end at all as it was so good. We watched a ton of movies and ordered dinner through post mates just so we didn't have to leave the hotel again. Neither of us complained. We were too entangled in each other to care. That was until our food was delivered. Then it was all about the food. Then it was back to our new normal again, but this time it was different. This time was so much more passionate. The way he was touching my arms and playing with my hair, or holding my face and my waist while kissing me, I knew what I wanted to happen, but did Chris?

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