Big, Big Plans. (18+)

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We were sitting in the bar with our drinks when my phone went off. It was a text from my dad. "What are you guys up to?" He asked and, of all times, to be pulled into a deep conversation about dogs, and Abby chose now to do it, so I had to reply quickly before getting sidetracked. "At the hotel bar. Abby wanted to get one last drink before going to the room"  I replied quickly before getting back to the conversation at hand. "So, I was thinking. When we get home, why don't we adopt a dog?" She asked with her eyelashes fluttering at me like she was asking me for approval. "Why are you asking me? If you want a dog, baby, get one. You know I love them, so I won't object." I told her as a smile spread across her face, and it was a beautiful one at that. I loved seeing Abby smile. It made me happy and made me smile too. "Good. You're coming with me to pick one though, because if you don't, I might come home with them all." She laughed but she wasn't lying. "Yeah, I know I remember that field trip to the zoo, where you cried because you thought it was cruel to keep animals locked up." She stopped mid-drink to hit back. "I still do. No animal should be locked up. However, as long as they are well taken care of and the animals are safe, then I don't mind as much. It's better than having them locked away and safe than locked away and hurt. " I could see the pain in her eyes as she spoke about it. "OK, how about we finish these and head to the room?" I asked and she nodded.

We finished our drink and I grabbed my blazer and Abby grabbed her clutch and we headed back to the room. "I can't wait to go to sleep." She said as I opened the door and let her in first. She walked in and searched the wall for the light and all I could think was 'Here goes nothing.' The lights came on and dimmed, setting the mood, and she spotted the rose petals on the ground. "What is this?" She beamed and I smiled back at her. "What can't I do something romantic for you?" She followed the rose petals and they led out onto the balcony. I followed her out and she reached the massive array of rose petals on the ground, that was shaped like a heart, but I don't know if she noticed it or not. "This is amazing Chris. Whoever did all this needs some praise." She said and walked up to me and kissed me and whispered in my ear. "Is this because we talked about having a baby in the next year?" She asked. "Something like that." Big, Big Plans by Chris Lane started to play throughout the room loud enough for us to hear outside. "May I have this dance?" I asked her and she giggled at me and gave me her hand. "Of course you may." We danced and danced until it got to the right bit. "I have a surprise for you, but you have to close your eyes so I can go get it, OK!" She closed her eyes for me and I waved for everyone to come and they all walked behind her and I got down on one knee in front of her and told her to open her eyes right when the song "I guess she finally figured out, I'm gonna ask her to marry me."

Tears filled her eyes and I hadn't even spoken yet. "Abigail Thompson, you are the love of my life and you have no idea how many times I have wanted to do this, but I told you I was going to do it right, so here goes." I said as I took a deep breath and tried to pull myself together enough to fully get through the little speech I had planned. "I have loved you since we were kids. Remember back when we were kids? When we used to pretend that we were married at school because we were kids and didn't know any better. But I knew back then that you were the one. I would never randomly go on vacation with just anyone the way we did. I would never have done half of the things we've done together, but I did them with you because I wanted to, because I love you and always have. I would never fall this hard this quickly for just anyone, but I would for you, Abigail. It is not always easy to find someone you would want to spend the rest of your life with, and that someone is you. I cherish you so much, I love you." I told her as she sobbed out loud but smiled at the same time. "So I wanted to know, now that I have asked your mom for her permission and your dad for your hand. Will you, Abigail Thompson, the person I want to spend the rest of my life with... do me the honor of letting me make you my wife? Will you marry me?" I opened the box that housed my grandmother's engagement ring and her eyes widened and her mouth opened in shock, or at least I hoped so.  I could feel myself ready to cry as I watched the tears fall down her face.

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