No flirting, Abigail!

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Monday came quicker than expected and getting up at 2:30am to get ready was unfair. All I wanted to do was sleep, but I got up since we went to bed at 7pm last night, but still seeing the time on the alarm clock was sickening. "OK, shower time. Let's go, pretty girl. Out of bed." I threw a pillow at him for the sheer fact that he pulled the sheets from me, knowing full well that the room was cold and that I slept naked last night. "I hate you!" I got off the bed and straight into the shower to heat back up again and then I felt Chris's arm around me. "You don't really hate me, do you, pretty girl?" I smiled and lay my head back on his shoulder. "I only hate you right now because you took the sheets off of me and the room was cold." I turned around "Also, I am completely in love with you, but don't ever do that again. Understood?" He nodded and we finished our shower and got ready to head to the airport.

We arrived at the airport and headed to security as we checked in on our way here, and then made our way to find a Starbucks that was open because there were two of them, and hopefully get some coffee or something to kick start such an early morning. We found a Starbucks and grabbed our coffees and went to sit down to wait for our flight from here to Atlanta. When the announcement came that the flight was ready to board, Chris took my hand and led us towards the gate so we could get on the plane ASAP. I was starting to drift off to sleep because it was still so early in the morning and my body was telling me to go back to sleep. "Enjoy your flight." That was all I heard once we were on the plane, as Chris sat down beside me and that was me until we landed in Atlanta. "Wake up, baby, we need to get off the plane." I sighed and got up, not even caring what I looked like, because the only person who would really care what I looked like right now would be Chris. I watched Chris, who was standing at the window of our gate watching the suitcases being loaded onto the plane, and then there was the call for our flight to start boarding. "I was a little more awake this time and stayed awake the whole flight, or so I thought. "Wake up, pretty girl, we are about to land."

We had finally arrived at LAX, and wow, it had been way too long. The pilot had said to expect highs of 67°, which was better than back home, that's for sure. The sun was shining and there was a smile on my face. "Lets get breakfast because I'm starving." We headed out the airport and found our rental car and I told Chris to drive as he was more awake than me. "I'll just put the address in and we can find somewhere along the way to stop and eat, probably a McDonalds, there are usually loads of them. We drove a little and, sure enough, the first place we saw to stop was a McDonalds. We did the drive thru and ate in the car and then continued to the house. "This is us." I said as we pulled up to the drive, pointing to it so Chris would turn into it and drive up towards the house. "Holy shit, babe!" The look on his face was priceless, seeing the place I used to holiday in when I was a kid. "I'm guessing you like it?" I asked, but I already knew the answer to the question. "Well let me show you our home away from home."

We walked into the house and I showed Chris around a little, mainly the places that we would be, like the family room, kitchen, and bedroom, and the bathrooms too.

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