I Miss Me More

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It was Friday and I had the day off, so I got up and lazed around until I had to get up and head to the airport to pick up the girls. I was so excited about seeing them again, even though they'd only been gone since early Monday morning. The flight got in just after 3pm, so I was there with plenty of time to spare. I sat with music playing and singing my heart out to Miss Me More by Kelsea Ballerini when I realised I'd completely spaced out and realised the girls' flight had landed 15 minutes ago. "I'm such a bad friend," I said, laughing to myself knowing they knew I'd been singing to myself to pass the time. I went to the airport and waited for them in arrivals, hoping they hadn't arrived yet.

Just as I was about to catch my breath, the doors opened and the passengers from the flight emerged. I let out a quiet "phew," hoping no one would hear me. After many hugs and tears of joy that my friends were home and safe, we piled into the car and drove into downtown Savannah for a late lunch and early dinner before I dropped them off home. We went to our favourite guilty pleasure, Crystal Beer Parlor, and ate some good ol' food. We talked about the girls' vacation and my recent drama with the lawyer, and even the girls were perplexed, but we'd find out soon enough.

About two hours later, the girls were dropped off at home, and I was watching TV, trying not to think about what would happen on Monday. I put on Peter Pan, my childhood favourite movie, because I always wanted to be a lost boy because I didn't want to grow up because my childhood was so happy, and my mother was also present. I sat until my father walked through the door with takeout from a Chinese restaurant near our house, and all I could think was, 'I'm glad to see he's getting back to his regular ol' self again.' He was back at work and socialising with his friends again, and I only knew this because he told me they were going out for drinks tomorrow like old times.

I dropped my dad off at the bar with his friends and told him to call when he was ready to leave, knowing full well this would be a messy night out for him as it was the first one in over a year and I knew he needed it. I went a few blocks down and parked my car, contemplating what to do now. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my recent texts and noticed I hadn't heard from Chris in a while, so I decided to send him a text to see if he was free. I missed our silly random chats, and it was exactly what I needed. 'Hey stranger, how are you? I am just wondering if you are free for a little while? ' I must have caught it at a good time, as I had just locked my phone when a text came through from Chris saying 'Hey stranger, I'm good. Come on over, I've missed you'.

I walked into Chris's apartment and we sat at the breakfast bar in the kitchen. He came up behind me and gave me a massive hug and I instantly felt more at ease. As much as I loved the girls, Chris was the one person who could make even the dullest day seem bright for me and vice versa. We sat talking for hours as if we had never been apart, even though the last time I saw him was roughly a week ago, before the girls left on their vacation. Chris came and announced, "Lets make dinner. I'm starving. How about chicken, broccoli and rice casserole? Do you know how much you loved it when I used to make it for you? " In that moment, my mouth started watering. He was right. I did love it. "OMG yes. I love you. Have I ever told you that? "I asked and with a big grin on his face, he turned and answered me, "Yes, you have mentioned it once or twice, I think" laughing as he went and got all the ingredients ready to prepare dinner.

After dinner, Chris and I talked a little more and he asked me if I wanted him to come with me on Monday for support, but I countered the offer by picking me up from the lawyers instead, as I knew no matter what was said, I would need to get out of my own head with all the information that I was going to give, even though I knew nothing about what was in the will. I glanced at my phone and saw it was 11:28PM, so I decided to call my dad even though he said he'd call me. I was starting to get tired and wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed, literally. The line was ringing and then "SWEETHEART I was just about to call you to come and.... come and pick me up.... um just a warning though.... I'm a little bit drunk" "It's fine dad, I'll be there in 20, I'll text when I'm outside". "Call me when you get home, darlin', and I'll see you on Monday". With that out of the way, I grabbed my stuff and hugged Chris goodbye. I left Chris's apartment and drove off to the bar to get my dad and go home.

I got to the bar I left my dad at and texted him 'I'm outside waiting or do you need me to come in to get you haha'. Five minutes later, my dad stumbled out of the bar and I couldn't help myself. I erupted with laughter as soon as he got in the car. "Home please driver, I need to tell my daughter I love her before she goes to sleep. She won't be my little girl for too much longer. She's 30 now." "Yes sir, right away," I giggled silently and drove home. I got my dad in the house and up to bed with a large glass of water and two Advil hoping his hangover wouldn't be too bad. I went to my room and texted Chris to let him know I was home. I'm home safe and sound and so is my dad, who thought I was a cab driver. I might add, ''Jim was always a funny drunk Abby. At least now you can give him a run for his money' I was hiding my face, knowing Chris was right. On that note, goodnight Chris, thanks for today. I didn't realise how much I needed it to be honest. xx' 'Goodnight darlin' sweet dreams xx'

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