Are you serious?

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Waking up naked and sore next to Chris was great. Well, apart from being sore, but I wasn't going to complain because last night was amazing. I turned around to see the warm body lying beside me and cuddled into his chest as it was still early and as soon as I did, I could feel my eyes closing again. A few hours later, I awoke to a cold bed and no boyfriend next to me, although I could hear music coming from downstairs and I smiled at the thought of him being down there, hopefully naked and cooking breakfast for us. I got out of bed and stretched whilst pulling my flimsy little robe on to cover my dignity for the most part anyway. I walked down the stairs trying not to make a noise so I could surprise him when I got to the kitchen, but I was the one surprised. "What's going on?" I asked and Chris's head swung round to see me standing there in my robe knowing that there would be nothing underneath it and that there were two strangers in the house whom I didn't know and to make it worse they were women. "Morning, baby. This is Amanda and Morgan. They were sent over by Alex. They brought us some stuff from the hotel. Come have a look with me." I walked over and sat on one of the breakfast bar stools and had a look through this enormous gift basket that had been sent. There were monogrammed pens for the both of us and a letter that made me laugh as it said 'Mr and Mrs Miller' on it. It made me smile to see that, hoping that one day it wouldn't be a dream to have his last name. I remember all the times when I was younger and I used to write my name with my crush's second name like an idiot. We all did. Jess, Sarah and I. It was a girl thing to do, apparently, and we had no idea if the boys did it too or if they just laughed at us for liking them, but we had grown up since then.

I was still looking through the stuff. It was like a never-ending gift basket. It just kept going. "This place is amazing. How much did you pay for a view like this, Chris?" Morgan asked Chris. Chris just looked at me and I tried to stifle a giggle as he turned to answer her. "I have no idea. You'll have to ask Abby. It's her house, after all." She was like a frog catching bugs with her mouth wide open the way it was. "I... Umm. Sorry, I just assumed it was yours, Chris. I mean, you did just buy into the hotel." Amanda just put her head in her hands and then looked at me apologetically and mouthed the words 'I'm sorry' to me to apologise for Morgan's idiotic behaviour. "Well, we have to be going now. Alex has a meeting and we need to get everything ready for it." Amanda motioned for Morgan to stop whatever it was she was doing and to get ready to leave. "Well, it was a pleasure to meet you both and thank Alex for all the amazing stuff  for us. Amanda, could I run something by you really quickly before you go?" The two of them walked outside and left me with Morgan and this was awkward. Here I was with a mere robe on and this idiot was making eyes at my boyfriend still. "Do you think he would give me his number?" She asked me. "Are you serious? You have no idea who I am to him, do you?" I said as she turned to look at me in fake panic. "Brother? I don't know and I don't care either. That man is hot as hell." My eyes widened as Chris and Amanda walked back in. "He is my boyfriend I'll have you know, and you'd do well to keep your goddamn opinions to yourself while you are still in my house. Understand!" I shouted at her.

Hearing the commotion between me and Morgan, it didn't take long for Amanda and Chris to rush in to find out what was going on. "What happened, Abby?" Amanda asked me. "She asked if my boyfriend would give her his number and proceeded to tell me that she didn't care who I was to him and that he was hot as hell. I mean, I could understand the comments if she was at least being nice about it, but the malice was dripping from her words. This is my house and this is my man, and people like you who work for the type of company you are with should have a little more common decency about them. I'd have you fired if you ever spoke to someone in my company like that. It is completely disrespectful." I had to stop as she was just looking right through me and staring at Chris, who was seriously pissed off right now and I could see Amanda watching her in complete disbelief. "What are you doing, Morgan? You know that this is not how we treat the people who own stakes in the company-" She was about to continue when Morgan cut her off. "Who gives a shit? It's not like you've never thought about jumping into bed with one of them, hoping it would lead to sex and a shit ton of money!" The three of us were completely blindsided by her and what she was saying, but everything she was saying reminded me of Beth, and the only thing that could have made this worse was knowing that she was either related to Beth or that she was going to pop up at any moment. "If I see something I want, I was taught to get it no matter the cost, and yeah, that means even if what I want has a girlfriend or a wife!" I laughed. "Wow. So you were brought up by ignorant parents who think that being a homewrecker is a good thing?" I questioned "Oh and another thing. You're not the first skank to come after what's mine and trust me, I dealt with her just like I will deal with you, so please keep digging yourself into the hole that you are digging yourself, little girl. It only makes it more fun for me!" Complete disbelief that I spoke back to her the way I did showed across her face. "I'll never back down. I want him and I will have him even if he doesn't want me. I have ways around that!" I walked closer to her and laughed as I got closer to her face and straight to her ear. "If you ever come near my man again, I'll rip those god awful lash and nail extensions off of you and then I'll make your life a living hell. I'll make sure you never get a job in this city again. The only thing you'll get a job at will be a fast food place by the time I'm done. Trust me, you think treating people like this is OK. Just wait until you have to actually be nice to people. You'll have more jobs than you can count, which to me seems like not a lot because an educated girl would know that you don't go around treating people like this because Karma's a bitch." I stopped and could see her. She was either getting a little pissed off or upset, but I didn't care right now. She had to be taught a lesson because she's clearly done this before and never been held responsible for her actions.

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