Bet you can't do it either!

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A few months had passed and it was now November. I had everything all settled with the house, like paperwork and the payment all sorted thanks to Alice, the lawyer who had discussed my mom's Will with me and my dad. Chris had been helping me pick things out for the house and while decorators were in painting and papering and then a few days later I had people coming in to do some different flooring as well. I had no idea how much stress doing all this would cause and I had been arguing with Chris over petty little things and I hated it. For the love of everything holy, this man was driving me insane with wanting to help with everything I was doing, even the small things like cleaning cabinets so I could start putting things away, but right now I cracked. "Because right now I don't need your Christopher. Why don't you understand that? I love you, but right now you're pissing me off. If I need your help, I will ask for it. You know that! So just stop please, because this is exhausting enough without the yelling every day!" He stopped in his tracks when he saw that I was ready to cry, knowing how much I hated arguing with him. "Ok, I'm sorry alright. I know you'll ask me to do something, but I know how quickly you like getting things done, and I may have overstepped in trying to push you to let me help." All I wanted was the stress of moving into this house to be over, but I had wanted everything done the way I wanted it and it was taking it out of me clearly. I got up from where I was sitting and held my arms out for Chris to come hug me. "I know and I get it. I just didn't realise how stressful this shit would be."

We had been in my house all day cleaning and after the little argument we were good the rest of the day and I had him cleaning in the living room area as the downstairs was the only area I wanted to sort out first as this was the main living area and the master bedroom was down here too. So, after cleaning out the kitchen. I headed into the master bedroom and started cleaning the windows and the little ledges too and then I would move onto the doors etc. Chris was ushered into the bathroom and began cleaning there, and I joined him in there and we talked, joked around, and laughed to try to speed things up. I was happy that I was finally in the house and that Chris was helping me. It had now been together four months and I couldn't be happier with everything but I felt like in that four months we had always been together, even though he was working five days out of seven and I would see him at night when he would finish a few times during the week and if he took days off, then I was there the full day but it was like we already lived together and I wanted to ask him about it but I was going to wait until everything in the house was done first before I was going to do so.

The following week, I had started getting the furniture delivered and I was excited about seeing everything being brought in, even though there were boxes and plastic everywhere from the beds, so there were two being taken upstairs and one downstairs. I had paid for them to be built as well, as I was not the best person to do something like that, to be honest. I had sheets, pillows, and decorative things for the beds to make them more like home. The guys had just gone up to build the beds upstairs when the couch arrived, and wow, I was shocked. I was told that it would be at least another week or so before I'd get it. I showed the men where to put it as I had the rug down already so I knew where I wanted it due to the size of it. Once that was in, I vacuumed it just to be sure and sprayed it with a room spray.

I stood back and just looked at the room and everything was coming together and I was happy. It was midday now and the beds were in and the couch was in so great I also had electrical stuff being delivered so TV's, kitchen appliances and the washer and dryer for the laundry room too and the bigger things were being installed as well and I was glad as I had no idea how to plumb in a fridge/freezer or a washing machine or how to hang a TV on a wall. I had ordered food from DoorDash so I had something to eat and drink while I was waiting for everything that was due to arrive. Thankfully, I had bought kitchen essentials like cups, glasses, plates, bowls, and cutlery the other day and had them all washed and put away, so I was getting somewhere. Once the guys arrived and started doing everything, I just stayed put on the couch out of the way and just sat watching them, wishing I could be this handy. I had the internet and TV was getting installed tomorrow, so I wouldn't be without anything like that for long. After seeing the guys off, I headed out to Walmart and Target over in Savannah and also went to visit my dad for a little while, so that was my plan for the rest of the day. I was going for groceries and little bits and pieces too.

I had pulled up and saw Chris's car outside, and I was a little curious as to what on earth he was doing there, to be honest, "Dad?" I yelled out wondering where he was and there they were sitting on the floor building a coffee table, so I stood and recorded them and sent the video over to Jo with laughing face emoji's. It was like watching Dumb and Dumber the movie, watching them try to do this. "Wow, so this is what you two get up to when me and Jo aren't around?" I questioned the two of them as I laughed. "Well, I'd like to see you do better, smart ass. Bet you can't do it either!" That got me thinking, "It's on. What do I get once it's built?" That changed the look on his face straight away. "Well, I am pretty sure we could work something out Abigail," he smirked, knowing my dad couldn't see. "Oh, it's on Christopher!" I retorted.

Roughly twenty minutes later, after setting everything out in front of me and getting the coffee table built, I had finished. "DONE!" I yelled. I hadn't even noticed Jo coming in. I was that deep in concentration putting together the table and I was super proud I had done it without help. I was always good at little DIY projects, but what I had done at my place today was totally different. "Well, a thank you would be nice, boy's." I giggled, walking over to Jo, who handed me a bottle of water, "Never let a man do a woman's job. I had told your dad I would do it when I got here, but I guess after the video you sent, he attempted it anyway. " Jo side-eyed my dad and chuckled, "What can I say, I love a bet, don't I Chris?" I smirked, "Oh, what was the bet?" Jo asked and was definitely intrigued now. "I told Abby that we could work something out. I'm sure it'll be something stupid though."

We sat for a little while after our little bit of back and forth banter with each other. "I'm off for the rest of the week, babe, just in case you need me to help with anything at your place." I kissed his forehead and told him my plan. "Well I need to stock my fridge, freezer and pantry so I was going to go to Walmart and Target so if you join me and spend the rest of your week at mine as I've still got stuff arriving over the next few days and a little company would be nice since the last time I saw you was... Wow... Nearly a week ago, oh my God, I had no idea. I'm sorry. Wow bad girlfriend vibes right now, fuck." Now I feel bad. I hadn't seen or spoken with Chris in almost a week, but I wasn't taking the blame. I was preoccupied with moving in and the deliveries at my house. I still love saying that 'My house' makes me smile. "Well, you have been doing other things, Abby, so don't worry about it. We have both been busy. You know, I didn't message you either to check on you. This is what happens when you get older and you have either a business or you move home. Other things take the back burner for a while, even if we don't mean for it to happen. I still love you with all my heart and that will never change. OK!" I sighed. I knew he was right, so why did it bother me so much? It made no sense. "I know Chris, but you know me. I love you too with all my heart. You're my everything and it will never change for me either!"

We had left my dad's and headed over to Walmart and Target to get everything for my house. Knowing I had two cars I could fill made it so much better knowing that I didn't have to hold back and told Chris to grab a cart too because there was going to be a shit ton of stuff being bought. Because I have no self control when I go shopping, especially when I see little cute things, I knew I wanted picture frames so I could start a picture wall that I had seen on Pinterest and have it in my bedroom. I also wanted to see if I could find any nice prints while I was out too, for the living room area and the little sitting room at the front of the house as well as the little study area too. I would love to fully do it, but I want to wait a little while longer as I want to wait until I talk to Chris about the whole moving in thing after Christmas and New Years have passed. "Hey babe, look at this. How cute?" Chris came over and saw what I was looking at. "Put it on the wall behind the bed. Was that what you were thinking?" He knows me too well. "Yeah, it was actually." I smiled and put it in the cart and moved on.

Once we had finished in both places, I made sure to pick up something quick and easy to make for dinner for us, which was Basil Pesto Chicken and Garlic Mashed Potatoes, and the thought of it made my mouth water. While I put everything away, Chris started making the food for us, and I was so happy he was there right now, or I would have had a sandwich or something silly. I looked at the full fridge and freezer pretty proud of myself and then moved into the pantry and started putting things in the bins I had bought and already labelled due to being bored waiting on things one day this week. "Dinner is ready, babe. Are we eating on the couch? Do you wanna watch a movie or something?" I came out of the pantry and clocked the food sitting waiting on me and I could hear my stomach growl. "Yeah the TV's set up. I'll just use my hotspot so we can watch Netflix or something. " We walked over to the couch and sat down while Chris set up Netflix on the TV. I sat watching and waiting before digging into my dinner. "This looks amazing by the way. Thank you, Chris." he smiled and we sat back and watched a few episodes of Manifest.

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