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After having a long discussion with Gun, I was able to let him agree with my decision to accompany the stranger. I know I shouldn't but this specific man's existence gave me an instant security and comfort so instead, I just told Gun the location of the place we'll visit. Better be still stay safe than sorry. He told me to be home before midnight or he'll go ahead and report me to the police as a missing person. He might be exaggerating but I know that he's just really worried. After all, even I wasn't sure as to why I even agreed to go out with this stranger. Maybe because even this doesn't scare me at all.

He followed me quietly to the place I always go to whenever I feel like the world's extra cruel with me. It is not my most favorite since the top on my list of favorite places will always be my room which obviously, can't be one of the places I should consider right now so I settled in here, the rooftop.

"It's beautiful"

He said the moment his eyes saw the view of the city lights.

"It'll be more beautiful if the moon and the stars are out but I guess we won't be seeing them tonight because of the rain"

I told him. I quietly watch the man while his eyes are fixed on the view, a small smile on his lips. He really has an attractive heart shaped smile. It gives someone an instant comfort. He seems to be capable to turn someone's mood into a good one regardless how bad your day was as soon as you saw him smile like this. Now, I wonder why a gorgeous man like him is alone on a weekend. Doesn't he have friends?

He might noticed that I am staring at him so he suddenly diverted his eyes on me. I immediately looked away, clearing my throat.

"You always go here?"

He asked before occupying the empty blocks. I followed him and sit on the block next to him.

"Every time I want to clear my thoughts, yes"

"It is indeed relaxing. Looking at such beautiful view makes you forget the cruelty of the world"

He said and I look at him. This time, he kept his eyes on the view which gave me more access to adore his face. I wonder what makes him say that. He looks perfect. With how he dressed, I bet he is living his life comfortably but the way he blurted those words, I feel like there's something else. With all the problems I had and still having, I never had time being concern with anyone else aside from Gun but now, I feel the need to know more about this man. I want to understand where he is coming from, what's running on his head and why he chose to be here instead of anywhere else tonight.

"Have you ever wished to be anyone but yourself?"

He suddenly asked which made me look on the view where his eyes still lingers.

Of course I did, multiple times since I was 13. I always wished to be someone else. Someone who's more powerful, someone who's richer and someone who is more capable.

"I wish there's always an option to be someone else but ourselves"

He added when I didn't answer.

"someone who's more powerful, someone who's more richer and someone who's more capable"

I looked at him surprised. Did I say that out loud or he was able to read my mind? That's exactly what I thought.

"If I am that someone, I don't think I'll be on a situation where I am right now"

He said. I am not sure what to say and what to ask. I am not used to this. I don't usually care about the others since I already have too much on my plate but, I don't want to make him feel like I don't care.

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