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As expected, New brought me to the rooftop my Dad now owns. Unlike before, it's no longer vacant since we started opening it for business. My office's also located inside this building. I made sure of that since I want my place to be near New. He was quite surprised that there are new security guards who are now guarding the place and was even more surprised when they greeted him and allowed him to enter the building easily without any questions. When he tried to explain himself the moment he arrived at the entrance, they even greeted him with his name. I saw him frown but immediately shrugged the thought off and proceeded inside. I followed him quietly, making sure to smile at the guards for doing a great job about not being obvious to New. I already briefed them about New before, expecting him to be back at the building anytime soon. I just never thought that he'll be here with me when that happens.

We took our way to the rooftop quietly just like the first time. The weather's good and seems to be not against us so we can stand being in an unroofed place at this time of the day. New stand still near the edge of the place, his hands in his pocket. I saw him close his eyes as he took deep breaths which I noticed that kept on doing inside my car earlier.

"I can only spare 15 minutes of my time"

New states, eyes not on mine but on the view.

"It wasn't true. I'm not getting married"

I told him, directly to the point. I don't know if he'll find it weird that I am explaining this to him. To be honest, I felt a bit hurt earlier when he told me that he doesn't care about the news since it's not like we're expecting something. Maybe he really doesn't expect anything to happen but I do. I waited for this moment to finally have the guts to introduce myself to him after watching him from afar. Then when I finally had the opportunity to do it, shit happened.

"I like you, New"

I told him and his response doesn't surprise me at all. I was expecting the same reaction from him. He looks at me, surprised.

"Are you kidding me? Tay we just met—"

"I've known you even before"

I admitted, looking down. I no longer want to hide this away. With all the shits that are happening around me, I feel like I must at least correct one.

"What else are you not telling me?"

New asked and I knew he felt betrayed, it's visible all over his face. I tried to hold his hand but he refused, taking a step back.

"Just answer the question, Tay. I knew there's something off when you addressed me by my name the first time we met but I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I told myself it might be through the name tag. How did you know me?"

He asked, looking at me intently. He's mad and I suddenly don't know what to say.

"I'm sorry"

I said, New laughed sarcastically.

"Alright. I'll leave"

New announced and walked to the door but stopped when he heard me.

"My family owns this building"

"Of course. So what's the other lies you told me? That you really drink coffee, that day wasn't your Mother's  birthday and she's still alive!?"

He asked, yelling. I am not telling the truth if I told you that I am not disappointed with what he said. I won't ever use anything related to my Mother as an excuse, especially her death but I understand New. He might feel betrayed right now.

"I never lied to you, New. I just didn't tell you about the things I told you now but I never lied"

I said, looking into his eyes. I saw how his expression changed.

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