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"Your smile is scaring me, New. I hope you know that"

I heard from Gun while he's arranging the food on the table. I'm sitting in front of it, waiting for the late lunch since I just woke up. I rolled my eyes at him and sip on the coffee he made for me.

"Something good happened last night?"

He asked, giving me a suspicious look and I bit my lower lip to stop myself from smiling which probably failed. I can't help it. I can only count all the memorable nights I had before using one hand but now, I think I need to use two. I can't explain how euphoric that night was even though it was short and I am lying if I say I'm not hoping to experience that again. I smile thinking about it.

"I don't want you to think that I am taking advantage of you"

The handsome stranger said once we stopped laughing, both holding our stomachs.

"I don't think you are"

I assure him. He smiles.

"You're a great kisser, New"

I face heated. Is it normal to say that after a kiss? I don't know? I never dated again after long 8 years and the last time I dated, I am
still a teenager.


I said but eventually stopped. I look at him with one thing in mind, I want to ask for his name but I don't know how to.

"I'll tell you my name once we meet again"

He said, not looking back at me but a smile plastered on his face as if thinking about our next encounter which made me smile as well.  Did I say that out loud?

"Next time then"

I confirmed. I felt his hand on top of mine before placing it on his lap. He's writing letters on my palm using his finger and I tried to understand each letters but I got out of focused after the 4th letter. His touch is giving me something more to feel, I can't help but lose my mind.

"What was that?"

I asked when he's finished. He just smiled and shrug. Not 100% sure but I think the first four letters are W, A, I and T. Wait for what?

He released my hand and then stood up, brushing the dusts from the back of his pants. I followed afterwards.

"As much as I'd like to be with you for more hours, I don't want your friend to report you as a missing person to the police"

He said, laughing.

"You heard that?"

I asked. So he heard what Gun told me earlier? Does that mean—

"I also heard about his advise for safe sex"

He said, confirming my thoughts. I suddenly want the floor to swallow me whole. Gun can't really shut his mouth sometimes.

"Sorry about that"

I told him and he shook his head.

"It's normal. That only means he cares for you"

He said and I can't agree more. Gun loves me like a family and he's always willing to protect me no matter what. I'll do the same for him too.

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