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I fidget my fingers as I watch Tay place the drinks in front of his Father before occupying the seat beside me on the couch. His Dad is sitting in front of us, legs crossed. He has a powerful aura and I can't help but feel intimidated. I felt Tay's hand on top of mine and my eyes automatically landed on his Father who is now looking directly at our connected hands. I immediately push his hand away, which surprises him.

I never expected our first night together to end up like this. I must have gone home and didn't expect anything about the two of us. I don't want to meet his Dad this way. Not when I look like this, tired and sleepless.

I bit my lips as I looked down. I shouldn't have let myself into this kind of situation. Should he throw me out like what rich parents did on the dramas? Of course! Who would want their kids who have a better future ahead to end up with nobody like me?

I heard his Father clear his throat which made me sit straight. I heard Tay chuckles and I can't help but secretly glare at him. How can he act like that when I am dying of nervousness here?

"So, what's your relationship with my son?"

His Dad asked, placing his hands on his knee.  My mind instantly went blank. How should I answer that? What really are we?

"Dad, you're scaring him"

My hands automatically reached for his back to secretly pinch him but instead of flinching, he laughed and after a few seconds, I heard his Father start laughing with him. I looked at them alternately, confused. What the hell?

"We finally met, New"

His Dad said, extending his hand to me and I immediately grabbed it.

"Nice to meet you, Sir"

He gave me a warm smile before drinking the juice Tay gave him earlier.

"Tay told me a lot if things about you"

And I was so surprised. I look at Tay and he looks at me proudly, his heart-shaped smile plastered on his face. It warms my heart. He was talking about me to his Father? That means, he's open with his sexuality and his Father accepted that. I can't help but feel envy.

"I haven't formally introduce you but New, this is my Dad and Dad, this is New, my boyfriend"

My heart goes haywire the moment I heard how he introduced me to his Dad. So, we are boyfriends?

"I see why he's so into you. You look so good"

His Dad said and I feel so shy. I just want the floor to swallow me. How can he say that I look so good when I look like trash right now?

"I see you have the same great taste as me, Dad but sorry, he's already mine"

Tay jokes, caging my knees with his hand. His Dad laughs and I can see the same heart-shaped smile he has as Tay. He is indeed his Father.

"Don't worry, New. I support whatever decision my son made. He's smart and old enough to know what's right"

He said and I can't help but feel happy for Tay. I now understand why he's a man with a good heart. His Dad did an amazing job being a good example to him. I can only wish that I have the same parents as him but I do not.

"Thank you, Sir"

"Oh please. Call me Dad. You're my son's boyfriend after all"

He said and I looked at Tay. He smiles at me and I can't help but smile back. I grew up being so unlucky in life but I think I just got my lucky charm. I am so lucky to have this man in my life.

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