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"So, how's your first night?"

Off asked as soon as he entered my office. I am currently sitting on the couch so I grabbed the nearest pillow beside me and threw it to him. He catched it effortlessly and laughed before sitting beside me.

"Gun texted me, saying that New can't walk straight. Thankfully, they are closed today. I guess you two really had a blast huh?"

Off teased, wiggling his eyebrows. I ignored him, trying my best to stop the smile creeping out on my lips as I remember the scenes early this morning when we woke up after last night.

New became extra clingy and it took us almost 30 minutes to finally get off the bed after another long breathtaking kiss. He also insisted for us to shower together which ended us both to another round of hot make out sessions.

He also asked me about the first time we met at the cafe, curious why I ordered coffee instead of other drinks which are not caffeinated. I told him I was supposed to order a chocolate drink but I got so mesmerized with his looks up close so I just ordered the first drink I saw on the menu. He blushed and we ended up sharing another breathtaking kiss before he left my car when we got in front of their house.

"Don't tell me you're reminiscing about what you both did while you're in front of me!?"

I heard Off commented and I just have to throw another pillow at his smirking face.

"What are you doing here anyway?"

I asked him, smiling. I can't help but smile whenever I think about New. He's a dream come true.

"Right. Do you want to join me and Gun for an outing outside the town?"

He asked.

"Well, Gun will ask newwiee to join so I am asking you now"

"I'll wait for New's decision"

"Damn. You're so whipped man"

He said while shaking his head and I didn't deny it. I am indeed head over heels to New and I am proud of that. Most especially now that I know that he just likes me as much as I like him.  I just have to really make him trust me more and finally open up about him.

"I actually have a task for you"

Off rolled his eyes before throwing me back the pillow I threw at him earlier.

"I am not your servant asshole"

He said and I just laughed. I know he'll still do it since he's the only one I can rely on. He also has a lot of connections so I know this will be easier with his help.

"I need you to look up New's family background"

"What? Why?"

He asked and the question ran inside my mind repeatedly. Why do I really have to do it? I trust New and I respect his decision and wanted him to take his time but, I can't help but get curious. I feel like his family has a big contribution as to why he became what he is right now. Aloof, scared to take risks and hard to trust people easily.

"I would like to know more about him"

"Aren't you scared that he'll find out about it?"

He asked and I looked at him. I thought about it. I knew he wouldn't take it lightly when he found out because he thought I disrespected his decision but I can always explain it truthfully.

"That's why you can't tell Gun"


"He'll definitely tell New about it so you should not tell him about it"

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