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I fixed my eyes outside the window once Tay started driving. Gun's car betrayed me and decided to act up when I needed it the most, so I ended up calling a mechanic and Tay advised someone to drive the car to the cafe once fixed. That led me to ride in his car as he drove me back to the cafe, which he insisted on regardless of how many times I rejected him. This man doesn't take no for an answer.

Being fate's least favorite, I expected this kind of situation to come our way today. We are currently stuck in traffic and I can't do anything but be patient.

I steal a few glances on Tay whose eyes are on the road. His left hand's resting on his window, hands touching his lips while his right hand is on the steering wheel. No one dares to talk. What would we talk about anyway? It's not as if we're close enough to talk about things.

I check my phone, hoping to see a message from Gun to at least distract myself. I texted him about the car before we left the building but the man didn't even dare to reply. Isn't he even curious how I will be able to go home? I released a loud sigh with that thought before I even realized it.

I look at Tay to check if he heard it and unexpectedly, he's looking back at me.

"Are you okay?"

He asked, concern's visible on his face. I just nodded and gave him an awkward smile before looking back outside the window. Allowing myself to sit beside Tay inside this car was really a bad idea. I can't breathe normally or move properly. His presence somehow intimidates me.


Tay called and my eyes automatically closed. Why does he have to talk to me? I take a deep breath before looking back at him. We're still stuck in traffic and the car's not moving at all.

"My name's Tay"

He said, which I am already aware of. His name's plastered all over the newspaper.

"Good name"

I said and I mentally smacked my mouth right after I said that. Good name? What the hell, New?

"I mean, nice. Shit"

My hands automatically cover my mouth after saying those. Really? What the hell, New? I heard Tay chuckled.

"You're cute"

He said and I looked at him with a frown. The audacity of this man to flirt with me when he's getting married?

"You saw the news, didn't you?"

He asked and I wanted to roll my eyes. I didn't sign up for this shit. Who would have thought that a simple delivery errand would bring me to this kind of situation.

"New, I—"

"Look, Sir— I mean, Tay. You don't have to explain. I get it. I mean, that was just a spur on the moment. We didn't mean that to happen"


"Besides, I didn't take that seriously. Of course you do too, right? It would be ridiculous if you thought there was something"

I told him with a forceful laugh. I don't want to assume but I may see his expression changed after hearing my words. It wasn't hurtful right? Not at least to him.

Tay didn't say another word after that and thankfully, the traffic subsided and we were able to drive continuously back to the cafe without any interruption. Tay's silence made me feel a little bit guilty even if I know I just told him a few facts. Isn't that really a spur of the moment and shouldn't mean anything to him? Though I know I assumed, but he's getting married. He should not be expecting me to say other statements than that.

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