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"damn, they really did a dirty trick this time"

Off said bitterly after reading the news I showed him from my phone.

"It's very obvious that they want you so bad, Tay. I can't blame them though. They'll gain a lot from this. Your Dad's loaded and you're the only heir"

He added before drinking. We're currently on our usual hangout place, his pub. I drank the remaining content in my glass before giving him a sarcastic smile.

It's sad how this world works. That time when we don't have enough money in our pocket and my Dad was struggling alone raising me, no one dared to include us in their lives and now that he succeeded and currently has a big name in the business industry, everyone wants us in their lives.

"Does your Dad heard about this?"

He asked and I shrug.

"We haven't had a chance to talk yet"

"He's out of the country isn't he?"

I nodded before taking another shot.

"That's why they are brave enough to release the news. He'll talk to you first before letting them release such ridiculous news"

I agree. Dad won't allow something that absurd without my confirmation. Before he make any decisions, he always make sure to tell me first and ask for my opinion. We were always a team, Dad, Mom and I. And after Mom died, nothing changed.

"So, what's your plan? Mild's a big name and it will surely impact her career once you deny the news"

Off's right. It will make a negative impact on Mild's name given how popular she is in the showbiz industry but it was their plan, at least her family. When I woke up earlier, I received a call from Mild telling me that she has no idea about the news and she will talk to her parents first about it and requested me not to take any action for now which I respected. Mild is still a friend despite the fact that the girl was so vocal about her feelings for me. But I made sure to draw the line between us. After all, I don't feel the same and I think it will never happen. She's nothing but a friend to me. I heard Off clicked his tongue when he didn't get an answer from me.

"Let me guess, you're thinking about the barista?"

Off asked with a playful smile on his face, I looked away from him and instead drink the alcohol in my glass.

"You really like the guy, don't you?"

He asked and I keep my mouth shut. He's right, I am thinking about New. How I wish he don't see the news yet. I don't want him to thinking that I was an asshole who is getting married but still kissed him that night. I sigh. Just when I found the courage to take a step towards him, this have to happen? Damn.


It was a year ago when I met New, the day of my Mom's 12th death anniversary. It was a gloomy night, Dad and I are on our way home after paying Mom a visit. My Dad's sitting on the wheels while I am in shotgun, stuck in traffic. My mind's once again occupied with the scenes before the accident. I was feeling really down and I can't wait to reach home to once again breakdown and cry. Dad refused to start a conversation because like me, I know he is still hurting so I understand. Since the time I was released from the hospital, we never talked about the death of Mom again. That became a taboo topic that no one is allowed to talk about which maybe one of the reasons why after all these years, we never moved on from that incident and continuously being hunted by it yearly.

While wandering my eyes outside the window, I saw a man sitting there alone on the bus top. His head is leaning on the sign board, staring blankly to nowhere and there's something in his eyes I can't tell. I watch how the passerby walk passed through him, accidentally tripping on his feet. He didn't mind them. He's breathing but he looked lifeless.

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