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I miss New, I miss him so bad. I want to see him. No, I need to see him. I slammed the pen on my desk, placing my hands on top of the back of my neck.

The past few days have been more than stressful. I am using all of my time signing partnerships here and there on behalf of my Dad and preparing for the board meeting at the same time.

"Just two more days, Tay"

I told myself as I breathed deeply, picking up my phone to stare at the photo of New and I on my wallpaper.

I've been stopping myself from contacting New for the past few days because talking to him makes me just miss him over and over. It's a torture but I have to deal with it. The more I focus on the things I need to do, the less days I have to live without the presence of New. I badly tried to get everything done as soon as possible to finally have time with him.

"Two more days, babe. I swear I'll throw myself in you the moment I see you again"

I said as if talking to him. I was supposed to set my phone aside and get back to my work when I received a message from Off.

let me remind you to message New. He's getting worried, Tay.

I sigh and go to New's number. Talking to him for a few minutes will be just fine, I think? That won't make me run my ass to his place and kiss the hell out of him, right?

"Okay. Just five minutes"

I told myself and was about to dial New's number when the doorbell rings. I'm working from home today as I was too tired to go to the office since I went home very late last night because Lee's being a continuous ass.

When his Father found out about the delay of the contract signing, he talked to me directly and I told him about Lee's whereabouts. The next day, I found Lee in front of my office, saying that he's taking back what he said about the deal and will now work with me accordingly.

The next few days, we both worked together, going to places and meeting here and there just to make sure everything in our contract will be smooth and fair. He also said that he now accepted the fact that I no longer want our previous setup back and now ready to just be friends with me, which I do not have a problem with so I agree.


I asked when I saw him standing at the door. He raised his right hand, with a wide smile on his face before attempting to go inside my unit but I immediately blocked him with my arm.

"What are you doing here?"

"Come on, Tay! I accepted the fact that you no longer want me in your life. Now, even at your place?"

He said sarcastically. I just stare at him, not saying anything. I know the moment I let him in, I will definitely regret it.

"Are you serious?"

"We already talked about this, Lee. You promised that you won't bother me again"

"And you agreed to be my friend"


"Friends do stay over"

He said and I just rolled my eyes. I'm too stressed at work to even have this conversation.

"Just please leave"

I said, closing the door but he stopped it with his hand.

"Is this about New?"

He asked and it caught me by surprise. How the hell he knew about my boyfriend.

"What? Cat got your tongue?"

"How the hell did you know him?"

I asked, looking at him sternly. I am not liking the change of expression in his face. It's the same expression he showed way back in our college life when he started ruining all of my flings.

"I met him today"

He said with a smirk and immediately grabbed the collar of his suit.

"What the hell did you do!?"

I asked him, furious. I don't know what I'll do with him once he did something to ruin New and I.


He said, attempting to remove my hand from his clothes but I tightened my grip. He snickered.

"I didn't do anything if you're that worried. I just visited the cafe, ordered a drink and said goodbye. What do you expect me to do?"

He said. I then loosened my hand on his clothes, slightly pushing him back in the process.

"Do you like him that much?"

"Fuck off, Lee"

"Are you scared of the things I am capable of doing?"

He asked, which made me more mad just thinking about all the things he did. I regret the fact that I hoped he'll really change after the talk we had.

"I thought you're not ready for any commitment?"

"Not when you're not New"

He laughed sarcastically, shaking his head.

"Damn. You're so in love"

He said between his laugh.

"Just leave, Lee before I even change my mind for agreeing that we can still stay friends"

I told him, ready to go inside the house but his next words made me stop.

"Why did you ask Off to look him up then?"

He asked, I turned to him. He gave me a smirk, knowing that he just triggered something he should not.

"I guess you're not 100% sure about that poor boy. I heard you last night while you're on the phone with Off. You asked him how was the result of the background check was. I won't blame you for doing that though, after all, he doesn't have anything to give you than his body"

He said and I was ready to throw a punch at him until I heard something fell from our side.


I asked when I saw him standing in the hallway, a plastic bag was now on the floor. He's clenching his fist and his eyes show nothing but regret, hurt and anger.


I tried to call but he immediately turned, running away. I quickly went to follow him but Lee's hand stopped me, holding my wrist. I quickly pulled my hand away from him and threw the damn bastard a punch he deserves from the very beginning. It made him fell on the floor.

"You're an asshole, Lee"

I yelled. He's touching his bleeding lips, pain's visible on his face.

"Put this on your mind. I never loved you, I will never love the kind of person like you. I regret what we had the most and I will keep on regretting that until I die. You're nothing to me. You are nothing like New"

I told him harshly. I turned, leaving but stopped and looked back at him.

"You know what, forget about the contract. We're not signing anything with your company. I don't need anything that has to do with you. Don't ever show your face to me again or I don't know what will I do"

I warned before leaving him on the floor. I have to find New, I need to explain everything to him before he misunderstood anything.

While taking my way to the parking lot where I wish New to be at, I realized that I haven't felt this scared my whole life after the death of my Mom. My whole body is shaking and my heart feels like jumping out of my chest anytime soon. I just wish him to hear me out and trust me even though a part of me knows what might happen next after all the things I learned about New's past. And to be very honest, it scares the shit out of me.

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