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It's been 10 minutes since we arrived but I am still seated inside Tay's car, which is parked outside our house. No one dares to talk or rather, we are just waiting for someone who's brave enough to talk first.

Gun decided to sleep over at Off's place. Apparently, the lovers aren't really drunk and they just wanted Tay and I to finally meet and talk. They just never thought that the first encounter after we last talked would end up with a hot make out session, which they both enjoyed watching.

After a few more seconds, Tay and I both cleared our throats which made us look at each other and laugh.



We said in unison which made us laugh for another round. I don't know if I am just nervous but I can't stop the heavy pounding in my chest. I get this a lot when Tay is around.



"Are we..."

Tay cleared his throat before continuing.

"That kiss"

"I like you too"

I confessed and I can see from the corner of my eyes how surprised he looks.

"I know nothing about you Tay aside from the status of your life but, I admit that that night was really memorable for me. I— I won't allow you to kiss me if I feel nothing"

I admitted and a wide smile was plastered on his face.

"Sorry it took me some time. I just— I'm just really afraid, Tay. I have been through a lot and what I told you on the rooftop about you, not having any idea about my life is true. Once you get to know me more and my background, I don't think you'll feel the same way. I— I'm messed up, Tay"

I told him, meeting his eyes. He looked at me like he adores me so much and that alone makes me want to tear up. He held my hand and caged it on his.

"Then let me get to know you, New. I am willing to hear your story, just give me a chance"


"New, my life isn't perfect as well. You've heard a part of it. Even I was messed up but, that doesn't mean we have to stop ourselves from
being okay with someone else"

He said, looking directly through my eyes.

"Give me a chance please?"

He asked, placing one of his hands on my cheek and I wanted to press my face closer to it. I want to feel him more, I want to be comforted by him. It's been so long since I let someone do it for me and I haven't felt this comforted before.

"We're both scared, New but let's face it together shall we? I'll be right here"

"What if your family will be against us?"

He just smiled at my question and pulled me into a hug. I am just scared. I had the same situation with my family before. They never accepted my sexuality and I am not sure how his family will react to this. I felt his hand move up and down behind my back and it feels so damn good.

"Let's talk about that later. For now, you must rest. I know you're tired because I kept running in your head the whole day"

He said with a playful smile. I lightly slapped his arm, smile's playing on my lips. He pulled away and wiped the tears in my eyes.

"I'll see you tomorrow?"

He asked and I nodded. He kissed me on my forehead before I left his car. I waited until his car faded from my eyes and after a very long time, I felt my heart being quite at rest. Tay gave me so much comfort but still, I can't help but be scared. After all, we're living in a very cruel world.

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