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I was breathless from a long demanding kiss when Tay fixed my position on the bed. He safely placed my head on the pillow before he started kissing me aggressively on my neck, sucking it, which caused me to moan his name.

"Tay ah"

I held his hair, pressing his face further to my neck to feel him more but that didn't last long when he started moving down my body, kissing and sucking some part of it including my nipple.

I felt him smirking through my skin when I moaned loudly, begging for more. I threw my head back to the pillow as I bent my body to give him more access.


I moaned when I felt Tay's hand start massaging the inner part of my thighs. His mouth met mine again, colliding our tongues aggressively before he pulled away. I almost cried his name when our mouths lost contact.

"New, are you sure about this?"

He asked, looking at me with want and need while panting. I nodded my head.

"I need you, please"

I pleaded and he smirked before claiming my lips again. I moaned between our lips when I started feeling his hand on my crotch, stroking it. He then moved his lips to my ears, biting it.

"Take your shirt off for me, babe"

He whispered sexily and I immediately did what he wanted. He then moved his body downwards, tugging down the waistband of the pajama I am wearing.

"No turning back, babe"

He said and I wanted to pull his damn face to mine again to taste his lips but he seemed to have another plan when he bent and sucked my length and took it whole. I moaned my heart out because it feels so damn good.


It wasn't my first time but the first happened many years ago and I already forgot about how it felt. I touched myself yes, but the feeling Tay's mouth was giving me right now cannot even match the feeling my hands were able to give during those times I touched myself. He moved his head up and down, sucking me loudly. I cried out loud, bending my waist further to insert my length deeper in his mouth, the tip of my length touching his throat.

"Ahhh Tay"

I kept screaming. Head empty, all I know is that he made me feel so damn good and I wanted more of this.

"Tay, I'm coming. Tayyy!"

I cried when I felt that familiar surge in my stomach. Tay's mouth left my erection instantly,  meeting my mouth, tasting myself on him.

"Not yet, babe. We'll come together. Okay?"

I wanted to scream at him but my body decided to move on its own so I just nodded and my hand travelled on his crotch, touching it. It's now his turn to moan between our lips.

"I want you now, Tay"

I pleaded and he just smirked at me before pulling away. He seductively looked at me before he stood up, removing his pants and I almost gasped when I saw how big his fully erected length was. He grabbed a condom in the drawer of his side table and wore it then put a generous amount of lube on his fingers and length. He moved back on top of me, biting my lips before whispering something that makes me go crazy.

"You look so damn good and want you too so bad, babe"

He pulled me by the waist and spread my legs apart. I then felt him insert his finger on my entrance and slowly move it in and out before adding another one and two. I bent my body as I rode on the pain and pleasure his fingers were giving me.

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