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"Are you sure you're okay here alone? I can ask Tay if you can stay over at his place. After all, it's just 2 days"

Gun asked while putting his clothes inside his bag. Today's supposed to be an out of town trip for the four of us but Tay backed out at the last minute, telling us that he has to focus on the board meeting and one of the clients doesn't want to cooperate well with their plan so he's quite having a hard time, which we all understood.

We actually haven't seen each other in 2 weeks now and instead talk through text or mostly video call. He indeed doesn't look well for the past 2 weeks and it made me want to just go to his place to hug him and force him to rest even just for a day but Tay insists that he wants everything to be perfect. He wants his Dad to be proud, he said it's his way to thank him as well for being so supportive of us so I just let him and avoided being a destruction.

I refused to join the trip and just let Off and Gun go alone to make sure that I am just a few minutes away from Tay in case he needs comfort over the weekend.

"I'm sure. I don't want to be a third wheel"

I told him and he rolled his eyes.

"Suit yourself then. Just please make sure to take care. You can close the cafe for a day in case you have an emergency— you know!"

At first I didn't get the emergency he was talking about until he raised his eyebrows. Really? Gun and his dirty mind.


I just answered, smirking, which made him laugh.


I made myself busy over the weekend just to avoid overthinking things by doing the cafe's monthly inventory but I can't just avoid this thought that keeps bothering me.

"You don't look good"

Gun commented on a Monday Morning. He's preparing breakfast while I am sitting at the dining table, staring intently at my phone.

"Woke up on the wrong side of the bed?"

Gun asked, looking at me worried. I shook my head.

"Tay's not responding to my messages"

I told him, pouting. Gun snickered.

"Come on, give him time! He might be just really busy"

"It's been three days, Gun"

I said and he looked at me confused.


"He never contacted me back since you and Off left. I tried calling him but the calls routed directly to his voice mail"

"Have you tried visiting him in his place?"

He asked and I stayed silent. The truth is, I didn't. I am quite afraid to do that. I kept overthinking and I am afraid to find out that there might be something wrong now between us. What if he's over me? Over us?


I felt Gun's hand on top of mine. I still didn't talk and that's Gun's sign to know that I am once again overthinking so he tried to give me comforting words.

"Don't overthink. I am pretty sure he's just busy. He told you he wants to take the board meeting very seriously. He might be stressed"

He said but that didn't comfort me at all. I kept telling that to myself since Saturday until I no longer believed my own words.

"Fine. Give him until tonight. If he still don't respond, I'll ask Off to check on him"

He said and I simply nodded to let him know that I agreed on his plan but none of the feelings inside my heart and head calmed down.


Before starting my shift at the cafe, I tried to call Tay again but I just reached a busy tone. I shot him a message, telling him not to skip breakfast and to text me when he can and hoped that he will at least reply.

By the end of my shift, I still haven't heard anything from him.

"I already asked Off to check on him but he said, Tay's not in his unit nor in his office. He also doesn't answer Off's calls and texts"

Gun said. We are still inside the cafe though it's already closed.

"I'm worried, Gun. Should we report this to the police?"

I asked him and he sat across mine.

"I should've check up on him the first day I didn't heard from him"

I said, fidgeting my fingers.

"Hey, don't blame yourself. You just considered his feelings and thought he was busy"

"But, Gun—"

"Look, New. Nothing bad happened to Tay. Off's doing everything to find him"

He assured me. We received a call from Off after a few minutes. Gun was the one to talk to him and I just waited for them to finish talking.

"He found him"

Gun announced which made me able to breathe in relief.

"Apparently, Off said that Tay told him he's busy with his business deal with Lee. He said he'll call you back as soon as he can"

He said and for an unknown reason, the name Lee doesn't ring fine to my ears. Instead of feeling relieved, I felt like being more worried about our situation but I didn't even understand why?

"Hey, you okay?"

Gun asked, bringing me back to my senses. I smiled at him and told him a simple "Thank you". I forced myself to brush the thoughts away and just gave Tay the benefit of the doubt. He's different from anyone else and I should learn to trust him. I convinced myself.


Despite the promise that Tay gave to Off last night about him finally contacting me, I did not receive any message nor call from Tay when I woke up the next day. Which made me feel even worse.

Was it that hard to find time to shoot at least a simple message to me? Am I not important? Was he too busy to even bother letting me know he's fine and still alive?

I kept asking myself that I didn't even notice the customer that came in and now standing in front of the cashier, which I am manning.

His aura screams superiority. He's wearing shaded eye glasses, making me not see his eyes but despite that I can still feel his eyes looking daggers into mine. His lip is forming a smirk, hands are kept in his pocket.

"Good morning, Sir. What's your order?"

I asked politely, trying my best to smile widely.

"I see the reason why he's so into you now"

He said instead, I gave him a questioning look. He just widened his smirk and provided me with his order.

"Chocolate frappe. He can't drink coffee"

I instantly stop typing and punching the order because of his remark. It reminds me of someone I know.

"Y-your name please?"

I asked, stuttering.

"Lee. L-E-E. Lee"

He said, my heart pounded rapidly as I looked at his face.

"Remember that name. We'll be seeing each other again"

He said to me before placing the bill at the counter.

"Keep the change and keep the drink. You might need that"

That's when I became certain. He's the Lee that Tay's been up to lately that he can't even make some time for me and the same Lee I felt who is a bad news.

I immediately called Jane to man the counter and excuse myself to Gun. I need to see Tay and Talk to him as soon as possible. He doesn't expect me to just wait and sit here forever, isn't he?

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