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It's been two weeks since the talk Tay and I had and since then, I haven't seen his face around. Well, aside from the newspapers and magazines since the clarification regarding his supposed "wedding" with Mild was all over the internet which made Ssing extra energized today. He even greeted us with his widest smile earlier, telling us that he's really happy to live in this world.

Apparently, Tay's Father had an interview with the press. He announced to the world that the issue is not true and his son, Tay, doesn't plan to settle anytime soon. Which made me feel more guilty given that I told him a lot of wrong accusations I shouldn't have.

I know. This guilt has been long overdue but still, I never said I can sleep peacefully at night since that day. I have been having a hard time sleeping since the last time I saw him. The flowers that are being delivered at the cafe every morning were not helping at all.

"You've been staring at that card since earlier, Newwiee. Something's wrong?"

Jane asked and I shook my head before staring back at the card. It's the business card of Tay that Off gave me. It's almost 9pm and the cafe wasn't packed today so I had  a lot of idle time. Means, I had a lot of time to think about Tay and this guilt I've been feeling ever since that day.

"Anyway, New. I haven't asked about this before but I am actually very curious. Who's the person who's been sending you gifts everyday?"

I almost choke on my own saliva with Jane's question. That was a very great timing, fate!

"A friend"

"I've been courted before and I also have friends, Newwiee. That kind of gestures won't be from a friend"

She said with a playful smile.

"So who's the lucky guy?"

She asked, poking my side. I just ignored her and wiped the counter instead.

"You shouldn't be shy. It was the very gorgeous young man who drove you here last time, correct?"

She persistently asked but I just ignored her.

"Come on, Newwiee! If you don't like the man, can you introduce me to him? Please?"

She said and that reminds me of the last conversation I had with Off, which made me feel more guilty. I was supposed to tell her to stop when a man entered the cafe. Jane told me that we're not done yet and attended to the man at the cashier. I take that as a cue to excuse myself and go to the locker room to think.

"This is frustrating! I don't even know if I should do this!"

I told myself while alternately looking at the card on my left hand and phone on my right hand.

I consulted Gun about this last night, asking him if it's still right for me to contact Tay after all the days passed. He said that if I think that all the efforts he gave by sending flowers isn't enough for me to say that he's still waiting, then I should just ignore him. And to be honest, that made everything worse.

"I'll give it a shot. Fine"

I told myself and was about to dial my number when it rang beforehand. It's Gun.

"Hello, Gun? Where are you? You've been out since 2pm!"

I said on the other line but no one's answering.

"Gun? Hello?"

I heard someone clears their throat from the other line and my breath hitched the moment I heard the voice I've been dreading to hear.

"Hi, New! It's Tay"

My tongue got tied up and I felt my throat get dry.

"Ahm, I'm using Gun's phone to contact you"

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