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"Don't wait for me to drag you off your bed, New! We'll be late"

I heard Gun's voice behind the door. I'm feeling extra lazy and unmotivated today. All I want is to spend the rest of the day in bed, to sleep all the thoughts that are running in my head. But Gun needed help at the cafe so, I dragged myself out of the bed and walked to the bathroom with the uninvited thoughts once again staring to take over my head.

I tried to ignore thinking about what I saw on the news yesterday and made myself busy. I worked around the cafe and even skipped my break just to avoid having free time to think about it. I hid the unexplainable hurt I felt through the smiles I gave away to our customers but the moment we stepped out of the place and went home, the thoughts started to hunt me and didn't allow me to sleep at all.

Closing my eyes as I feel the cold shower in my face, the memories of that night once again flashed back in my mind. How his eyes glittered when he looked at me, his heart-shaped smile and that kiss. That breathtaking kiss.

I won't deny the fact that I indeed let my hopes up and was indeed hurt, even if I shouldn't be, when I saw the news. Gun even looks at me worried but I gave him my widest smile, telling him that I knew that it won't end up the way I want it after hearing his warning that he, not giving me his name means he doesn't have any intention with me at all and right then and there, I stopped assuming about the thought of us, which of course is a lie.

"Newwiee, can you do the delivery today? I need Ssing today for an errand in the cafe"

I heard Gun once I stepped out of my room, already dressed up for work. Gun knows I hate deliveries so he always gave the task to Ssing but this time I knew why he would insist for me to do it. He wanted me to have a new environment even just for a few hours. Gun's like that. He won't force you to talk about your worries and problems but he'll surely do something quietly to help you get over it, one of the reasons why I love him so much.


I just answered before sitting in the dining room for the breakfast he made. From my peripheral vision, I can see him stealing glances at me but I refuse to look back, a sign he knew that I don't want to talk about what bothers my mind.


"Are you sure it's complete now?"

I asked Gun while fixing the orders in his car, which I'll be using for the deliveries. He once again checked and counted it before nodding his head.

"Take care.."

"I will"

"..of the cakes"

He added and I rolled my eyes. I closed the door on the passenger seat and walked to the other side of the car.

"You never cared for me"

I told Gun and he chuckled. He knew I was joking and I knew he was as well.

"Please don't trip, at least not before you pass the cakes to them, they're one of our loyal customers"

He said with a smile on his face. I just snickered before starting the car and drove away. The building where I need to deliver the pastries will be a 30 minute drive. It's quite far from the cafe but Gun still accepts orders from them since the woman is one of the original customers of our cafe. She was previously located around our area and moved but despite that, she always makes sure to still order from us and Gun loves loyal customers and wants to treasure them as much as he can. He learned that from Grandpa.

Gladly, there was no traffic so I arrived at the place 6 minutes earlier than expected. I parked the car at the parking lot and went off, checked the pastries condition before taking them as I took my way to the lift. I am not new to the place so I knew where is where.

I waited patiently. My right hand is carrying the paper bag while I rested my left hand inside my pocket as I watched the number change on the mini screen.

When the screen shows "P", I stood straight, ready to give whoever is inside a smile once the lift opens but all my plans seem to have faded once it landed to the very person inside.

I felt like the world stopped and my breath hitched when I met those same eyes who didn't let me sleep at night. He's looking back at me. My hand instantly turned into fist, securing the hold on the pastries.

"Let's go?"

I heard a girl's voice then my eyes diverted to the hand on his arm before it landed on the girl standing beside him. It's Mild. So the news is true.

I immediately cleared my throat as I stepped aside, giving them more space to go out. I forced a smile on my face before looking in a different direction. I refused to look back at the man's face.

Mild stepped out, dragging Tay, which gave me the cue to enter the lift. I immediately pressed my floor number and the close button, multiple times. Once the door closed, I released the breath I never thought I was holding. I close my eyes to calm myself as I take three deep breaths.

"You'll get over it, New. You will"

I whispered to myself as I tried to set aside the disturbing sting I was feeling inside my chest.


Once the pastries were safely delivered, I bid my goodbye to the customer and left. I sent a quick text to Gun, telling him I am done with the deliveries and I am on my way back to the cafe. When the elevator opens, I roam my eyes around the parking lot, praying that there will be no sign of Tay or Mild around the area. After all, there will be no reason for them to stay. Unless Tay really wanted me to put in place and slap the truth on my face.

I was about to open Gun's car when I felt a hand on my wrist. I immediately turned and wasn't expecting to meet the same eyes again. The girl's nowhere to be found.


That voice. That damn voice still gives me butterflies and I hate it.


I chose to address. I put my signature smile on and look directly at his eyes. The glitters are gone and replaced with worry. Why would he look at me like that? Does he pity me?

"New, I—"

He paused and I waited for him to continue but when he looked down, I pulled my wrist away from him.

"Sorry Sir, I have to go"

I said and immediately entered the car without waiting for his approval. I saw him panic and knocked on the car's door but I ignored and started the car but to my luck, it wouldn't start.

"Goddamn. Not now please"

I muttered as I tried to start them again but it's not working.

"Why do you have to act up on me now?"

I whispered before resting my head on the head rest as I released a frustrating breath. I looked at my side and saw Tay still waiting for me, I rolled my eyes, remembering that I was never fate's favorite to begin with.

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