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Tay muttered before attempting to leave Off's car. He just drove him home because Tay claimed he's too drunk to drive but for Off, he's just lazy. Tay don't go easily drunk. He handles liquor in his system very well.

"You haven't answered my question yet"

Off said right before Tay left his car. The latter looks at him, he knows exactly what Off was talking about.

"I'll do something about it. For now, you keep an eye to him"

Tay said, Off's eyebrow creases.

"What do you mean?"

"I can't go back to the cafe yet until I clear the issue"

"So you're telling me—"

"Yes. Go there instead"

Tay told off as if it wasn't a big deal.

"Tell me you're kidding"

"I'm not"

"Peng, I don't want to. What should I do in that place anyway?"

"Just keep an eye on him. I don't care if it's you or a person you will hire. I just need to make sure that he's doing well"

"Damn. You're whipped"

Tay just rolled his eyes before leaving Off's car but not before hearing his friend's good luck.


Like what Tay ordered, Off went to the cafe the next day. Aside from the fact that he will always be willing to help Tay since his family owes Tay's family a lot, Off is really curious about the man that catches his best friend's heart. Tay was the type of man who doesn't easily get attracted to anyone. He did flings but nothing more than that until the said barista arrived in the picture. He wanted to see for himself what Tay sees in him.

"Good morning, may I have your order?"

A girl at the counter asked. Off roam his eyes around the cafe before giving the girl a flirtatious smile.

"One americano"

He answered and once again scanned the inside of the cafe where he found another man who was in an apron serving drinks. He is tall and quite bulky. He intently looks at the said man and wonders if it's the man his friend was talking about.

"May I please have your name?"


Off said, louder enough for the whole cafe to hear. He did that intentionally. He wanted to confirm if the man he's looking at is New but the man didn't bother to look at him.

"We'll just serve the coffee on your table, Sir New"

The counter girl said politely with a smile which Off returned. Off took a seat at the far corner of the cafe and continuously roamed his eyes around. He confirmed that the server wasn't the one he is looking for when his coffee was served through the nametag that the server wears in which state, Ssing.

A few minutes later, another man entered the cafe. Unlike the other staff, he is not wearing an apron but he wears the same shirt as the other, which seems to be their uniform. He's smaller than the man named Ssing but his face is beautiful enough for Off to confirm that it might be no other than the man he was looking for. Off nods his head with approval, thinking it must be the looks that made Tay head over heels to the guy. With that face, even him would probably choose the guy over any other girls in the cafe. He watches the man as he walks around the cafe until he meets his eyes. Off is a confident man and likes flirting using the eye, working at the pub trained him well about that trick but this time, he can't seem to look at the guy for long so he looked away. For the first time in his life, Off goddamn looked away first! He stole another glance at the man and saw him still looking at him. He once again looked away and pretended to be doing something on his phone until he felt a presence in front of him.

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