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It's been a week since Tay and I started going out. I called it that way even if I have not yet confirmed by Tay what really are we right now. He's been consistent in picking me up for work. We've been having our breakfast, lunch and dinner together given that his office is just a few blocks away from mine. I still can't believe that I am now experiencing this kind of happiness and I am willing to stay like this for more days to come. I am happy. Tay and the memories we're creating together makes me happy that it also scares me. I'm scared that a day will come that everything I have right now will fall out of place and Tay can no longer stand being with me. I am afraid to be left alone again.

"You're mind's preoccupied"

Tay said, which brought me out of my thoughts. We are currently in an outdoor cinema, both lying at the back of Tay's truck while eating popcorn and a bottle of beer.

He leaned in to wipe the lower part of my lips before giving me a peck. Have I told you how addicting his kisses were? He always makes me want for more but we've never been there. None of us initiated to do something more than make out sessions and it makes me wonder if I am not that attractive for Tay to sleep with because if you'll ask me, I'll sleep with him if he asks me to. Hell! I won't miss that chance! I've been celibate for years!

"Hey, are you okay?"

He asked, looking worried. I sat up and smiled at him.

"I'm good just... sleepy?"

"You want to go home now?"

He asked and I am not sure what to answer. I am truly sleepy and I wanted to sleep but also, I don't want our moment to end. I've been loving the feeling whenever Tay's with me. It feels like all worries are fading because he's there to support me all the time. It scares me sometimes because I feel like I am once again depending on someone but can I just enjoy it while it lasts?


He called when I didn't answer him. I pulled him into a hug and buried my face on his neck. He chuckled.

"I still want to be with you"

I told him, my lips on his skin. His chest vibrates when he laughed before pulling me away from him. He looked at me amused and I pouted.

"Would you like to sleepover at my place?"

He asked and I felt my stomach turn. Is this what I am waiting for? God New! He's just asking you to sleepover.

"I mean, if only you like"

He said, sounding unsure and I immediately nodded before he even changed his mind. He then guided me off the truck to get inside and drove off the place.


I texted Gun about my plan and for the nth time, the idiot reminded me to use protection. He said, we're too young to get married so we have to be extra careful. He gained three bad words from me. It's not like  i'll get pregnant or what? Then he also informed me that Off will be sleeping over at our place, which gave me the opportunity to return all the things he said to me.

Exactly 30 minutes later, we were parked in Tay's apartment building. The last time I went here was our second meeting and I can't believe I came back now having a very opposite situation as before.

"I remembered the time we first met here, you were with Mild. Did she also sleep over at your place?"

I suddenly asked while Tay's getting his things from the backseat. I'm still sitting with my seat belt on. I want to make sure first that I am making the right decision. Tay just looks at me with a playful grin on his lips. This asshole.

"What? Is it wrong to ask that? You told me you never planned to get married since you don't have any relationship deeper than being friends to begin with but you came out of your room with her at that time"

I said. He lean in and I almost thought he was about to kiss me until I heard the sound of the seat belt being unbuckled.

"Are you jealous?"

He asked. I want to wipe away that annoying grin on his face.

"I am not. I'm just asking"


He said, unconvinced. He got out of the car, ignoring my question and it made me frown. I got out of the car and walked to the other side, cornering him. I won't go upstairs unless I confirm that she didn't spend the night.

"Answer me"

I demand as I place my arms between Tays.

"You're cuter when you're mad, babe"

He said and I even have to stop myself from smiling widely after hearing the endearment he used for me. I won't step back.

When I didn't answer and he probably confirmed that I am serious on my question, he held my arms and switched our positions. I am now the one pinned in the car. Tay leaned in and pressed his lips to mine, giving me soft addicting kisses, I almost moaned his name until he pulled away.

"You're the first one to sleep in my apartment, New. Mild's just a friend. You don't have to be jealous of her"

He said, I smiled before giving him a peck. He held my hand and guided me to the lift.


"So even Off didn't sleep here yet?"

I asked while we're walking our way to his unit when we're out of the lift, still hand in hand. He smiles at me and shrugs and I have to pull his hand for him to answer me properly. He just laughed and I pouted.

"Don't tell me even Off makes you jealous? He's in love with your best friend for God sake!"

He said between his laughs.

"I am not. I just want to confirm if I am really the first one"

"You are"

"I refuse to believe"

"Then don't but I am telling the truth"


I asked, playing with his fingers while he's punching his code on the door.


He said before he opened the door and entered his unit, I followed.

"Wow! You've been living in this huge apartment alone?"

Tay nodded as he threw his car keys on the bar counter. I was so busy looking at the paintings hanging on Tay's wall that I didn't notice that Tay suddenly stopped walking which caused me to bump on his back. I was about to ask him why until I heard him speak and I instantly froze before meeting the eyes of the person standing in his living room. My breathing stopped and I felt my throat went dry because right in front of us stood none other than one of the richest billionaires, Mr. Vihokratana.


What do you think will happen next?

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