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"So how's the talk between you and Tay?"

Gun asked as soon as we entered our apartment. We got so busy with the cafe when I came back after Tay and I talked that we didn't have time to talk about what happened. I am also thankful about that. It's not like I don't want to talk about it, my mind can't still process the information well and everything is still unreal for me.

I ignored Gun's question and just went straight to the couch and slouchef myself in there.

"New, you can't always ignore me, you know?"

He said and I rolled my eyes before closing it. I felt that he occupied the space beside me.

"Off told me it didn't resulted well"

He said, which made me look at him.

"So, you and Off are a thing now?"

I asked him and then he looked away.

"You're a slut!"

I told him, pinching his arm and he laughed.

"He's cute and he obviously likes me too so what's wrong with that?"

He asked and I got instantly reminded of what Tay told me earlier. He likes me. That gorgeous billionaire man likes a nobody, who is me.

"So, what happened?"

Gun asked, being his persistent self.

"Can we just talk about it some other time? I'm tired and I badly want to sleep. I didn't have any sleep last night"

"And you think you'll be able to get one tonight?"

He asked me. I'm pretty sure I won't. I just told him that as an excuse but clearly, he knows me.

"Let me guess, he likes you?"

He asked and my eyes grew wide when he said that.

"Did Off tell you that?"

I asked him and he shook his head.

"It's obvious on the gorgeous man's face, New"

He said. Was it that obvious?

"I mean. Why would he insist on talking with you when he doesn't have any agenda? Besides, he asked Off to go to the cafe to see you"

"How would you know that?"

"Off thought I was you. He called me New"

He said and I feel like there is already too much information that I am getting for the day. I can't even think straight now. Why would Tay do that?

"Fine. If you don't want to talk to me about it now, okay. Remember that my room is just beside yours"

He said, ready to go inside his room but I stopped him.

"I think I like him, Gun"

I confessed, not looking at him. Gun walked back and sat beside me.

"And what's wrong with that?"

"Everything is wrong, Gun. Tay's living in a different world than mine. He's a billionaire while I am nobody. I had a shitty background and I was depending on you. I have nothing while he has everything"

I told Gun, I feel my eyes become teary.

"Oh Newwiee"

Gun said, pulling me into a hug. I wrap my arms to his body, resting my chin on his shoulder.

"I understand your worries but he seems to be different. I don't think he'll mind that about you. Besides, you're working so hard right now. You're not a freeloader and everything you have right now, you earned it with your own hard work"

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