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Ximena Kai Carter

"Okay Ms. Parker, my shift is almost over. Are you sure you don't need anything?"
"I'm fine sweetheart. You just get home and get some rest. I can hear the tiredness in your voice"
I gave her a weak smile.
"Okay I'll see you tomorrow. Bye" I walked out of her room and headed straight for the locker room.

Ms. Parker was one of our most frequent patients. She suffered from hypertension and she would usually "forget" to take her medication.

Grabbing my bag, I made sure to sign out as I left saying my goodbyes to my colleagues.

I just want to sleep I thought to myself as I began my 15 mins drive home.

Upon entering my apartment, I hurriedly got out of my uniform and headed for the shower. I knew if I didn't bathe I wouldn't have slept as comfortable as I would like.
After washing up, I slipped into something comfy, drank the remaining water in the water bottle on my nightstand and got in bed.


It's been almost two weeks since I last spoke to Nasir, being that the last time we exchanged some words that neither of us were sure we actually meant.

"Who the fuck was that Ximena?" Nasir asked through gritted teeth as we stood in front of each other.
I scrunched up my face and made my way outside on the patio.
It was empty and there wasn't any noise. I could feel Nasir presence behind me as I took a second to breathe.
"I'm talking to you" he forcefully turned me to face him by my shoulder.
"How is that your business Nasir? You don't see me breathing down your back about some girl being all in your lap" I folded my arms.
"Who Tilly? That's my homie"
I smirked. "Well that's just my homie"
I saw the dark look in his eyes as I said what I said.
"Ximena don't play with me. I would fuck yo ass up on everything"
"Look Nasir. I don't know what games you're on but I'm not here for it. I'm not about to wait for you to come around or for you to be all over me today and tomorrow you're in some other bitch face" I sighed.
"Let's just be cordial"
He let out a dark chuckle.
"That's how you feel? Aite bet. Say less" he looked at me one last time before returning to the gathering.
I took a moment to relive what had just occurred.
Letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding in, I decided it would've been best if I had just left altogether.
Signing out of work the next day, I quickly made my way to the bodega.
Looking up I noticed Nasir leaning against his car just smoking.
I mentally cursed myself forgetting that every time I came here I always saw him.
"Wus good ma?" Some man said as I passed by.
I ignored him, just wanting to buy what I needed and leave.
"She must be one of those stuck up broads" another said.
I rolled my eyes. Hearing I was stuck up was nothing new to me.
People felt as though I owed them some words every time they chose to speak to me.
As I looked for my favorite junk foods, my phone started vibrating signaling me to an incoming call from Amir.
"Heyyy" I smiled
"What you doing mamas?"
"I'm at the bodega just down the street from work"
"I'm bout to pick you up"
"Alright I'll be out in a sec"
I hung up and grabbed some airheads as I made my way to the cashier.
"Is that all?" The pretty girl asked.
"Okay your total is $8.40" I paid as I grabbed the bag and my change.
"Thank you"
Making my way out, I noticed Nasir looking at Amir who was leaning against his car waiting for me.
I quickly made my way across the street and a smile instantly grew on his face.
Engulfing me into a hug, I took the time to inhale his scent was slowly growing on me.
"You missed me huh ?" He smirked as he noticed I was smelling him.
"You stay sweating yo self Princey" he opened the door me then made his way to the driver's seat.
"How was ya shift?"
"Tiring. My legs are sore" I complained.
Grabbing my hands and placing kisses on the back, he stared ahead before speaking.
"Let me treat you then. Come to my spot, I'll run you a bath, make you breakfast and give you a massage"
I thought for a moment. The offer didn't sound bad at all.
"Okay, sounds good"
The smile that spread across his face was contagious.

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