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A/N: Longer than usual chapter. Hope you all enjoy!


"Okay babe. I'll talk to you later"
"I love you girl"
"I love you"
I hung up with a smile.

Nasir was away on a few business trips for about 3 weeks now and he won't be back for another 4 weeks.
I couldn't lie, I missed my man but business is business, I understood.
I got a knock at my door.
"Come in"
In walked Corey with a bouquet of flowers.
"Delivery for the lovely Ms. Carter"
He spoke as he handed it to me.
Confused, I immediately looked for a card.

To: My Love, Ximena
From: Your Secret Admirer

I furrowed her eyebrows.
Nasir usually referred to himself as my husband but maybe he wanted to be cute with it.

Nasir usually referred to himself as my husband but maybe he wanted to be cute with it

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@kai_c: Flowers always add a little color to my day💐 Thank you my love💘

I posted the flowers and locked my phone going back to my work.
"Hey mama" I kissed my mom on her cheek as she turned off the stove.
"Hey baby. How was your day?"
I smiled.
"It was good. I had some work to do at the store then Nasir sent me some flowers that brightened up my day"
"That's sweet baby. I love that he's making you happy"
"Me too"
We heard the door opened and closed.
"Mama! Kai!"
"We're in the kitchen Amor!" I shouted back.
"It smells good in here" he rubbed his stomach as he walked in.
"You guys go wash up and meet me at the dining table"
I nodded and followed behind Xahier.
"Did you work today?" I questioned.
"No I was off today. I haven't seen Gianni for sometime because I've been working so I spent time with her today"
Gianni is Xahier's new found love.
They've been dating for over two months and he seems to really like her.
I've spoken to her over the phone a few times but I've never seen her in person.
"When are you going to bring her to meet us? We don't bite"
He kissed his teeth then started chuckling.
"I know that but I ain't ready yet"
I nodded.
We made our way to the dining room.
The table had mashed potatoes, fried chicken, collard greens, Mac and cheese and for dessert triple chocolate cake.
We took our seat.
"Let's say grace. Heavenly Father, this is the day that you have made and we will rejoice and be glad in it. Thank you for bringing my kids safely to spend this night with me. Continue to bless the cook father and lord continue to cover each one of us under your blood so we can have many more days like this. In Jesus name, amen"
We started to make our plates and soon enough we were all eating.
"How's work been Xahier?"
"It's been good. Very hectic but good. Been putting in a lot of over time tryna sort out some paper work before the end of the year. Today was my first off day in about 2 weeks so I decided to spend some time with Gianni"
"Gianni. When are you gonna let me meet her?"
"I'm not ready mom"
"You're not ready and you've been dating for what? 3 months now?"
"Two" I corrected her.
"Hell could've been one if I care" mom replied which caused us to chuckle.
"I'm not rushing you baby but just don't decide to let me meet her when she gets pregnant"
"Mom it's not like that"
"Gianni is a career woman just that she gets more free time than I do. We're both not ready for that"
"Okay son"
We continued to eat and made small talk here and there.
I pulled into the parking lot and furrowed my eyebrows.
There stood Amir.
"What the hell?" I cursed.
I got my stuff and got out of the car.
"Hey, what you doing here?"
"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for the way things have been going for us lately. I've been rude"
"It's fine Amir you didn't have to come all the way here to apologize. A text would've sufficed"
"I wanted to see you too"
" for what ?"
"Ximena I want you back. I miss us"
I chuckled.
"You know that's not possible. I'm with Nasir and you already know he's not okay with us being friends either"
"He ain't gon ever love you the way I love you. You know this"
"Because he's loving me in his own way and I love it that way" I spoke.
He stepped towards me staring at me.
Placing his fingers under my chin he raised my head.
"What are you doing?"
Leaning down he tried to kiss me but I backed way.
"Amir let's not make things worse between us. You should go"
"Ximena please!"
"No Amir! You made your decision a long time ago. You don't get to walk in and out of my life when you want to. So deal with the consequences"
I walked around him to head into the building.
"Ximena don't make me do this"
"Do what?"
He smiled.
"Fine. If I can't have you no one else will"
He got in his car and drove off.
"The fuck" I mumbled to myself.
I headed to my apartment and made sure to lock the doors.
Immediately I called Farrah.
"Heyyy Kai" she dragged out laughing.
"Is this a bad time?"
"No what's wrong?" I heard shuffling in the background.
Then a FaceTime request from her. I answered.
"Sorry I was playing fighting with Von. I'm heading to my room now"
"So I was at my mom's for dinner and got back like about 5 minutes ago. As I drove to my regular spot in the parking lot I saw Amir there. I was confused about why he was here. I asked him what's up and he said he wanted to apologize for how rude he's been. I accepted but then he started to go on about wanting us again and I told him he made his decision a long time ago and he has to deal with the consequences of that. He tried to kiss me but i didn't allow and I asked him to leave. He said fine if I can't have you no one else will"
Farrah stared at Ximena with furrowed eyebrows.
"The fuck he means by that?"
I shrugged.
"Did you lock your doors?"
"Yes I did"
"Okay I'll have Von speak to him and see what he's on"
"Please be safe and call me if you need anything. Matter of fact do you want me to come over? Do you want to come spend the night here?"
"No I'll be fine. Thanks anyway"
I hung up.
Walking around my apartment, I started to get anxious.
Running my contacts, I clicked on Nasir's name.
After the second ring he answered.
"Hey baby" he said groggily into the phone.
I had woken him up.
"I'm sorry to be calling you so late babe I know you must be tired"
I saw him raised up from his bed and his face showed a look of concerned.
"Hey it's okay, what's wrong? You look scared"
"It's Amir. He said if he can't have me no one else will"
Nasir kissed his teeth.
"The fuck is wrong with him yo?" His voiced was laced with anger.
"Listen make sure the door is locked. I'm booking a flight home tomorrow"
"Don't worry lil baby I won't let him do anything to you. I love you"
"I love you too"
"Do you wanna stay on the phone until you sleep?"
"No babe it's fine. Go sleep I'll see you later"
"Okay baby"
I hung up.
Taking one last look out the window at my surroundings, I went to bed.
As I finished dressing, I decided to take a picture and send it to Nasir.

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