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While Ximena and Nasir was starting over and falling in love with each other, turmoil was just about to start in Amir's life.

Since Mirah found out that Amir and Ximena were together while she was in Hawaii, she's been doing everything she can to make sure they don't have any interactions.
She's given him ultimatums, making him choose between Ximena and his daughter. Of course he'll pick his daughter but no matter what she did he just couldn't leave Ximena alone especially since he felt like she didn't deserve what he did.

To be honest, neither of the women deserve what he did but the way he felt about Ximena was much stronger than he felt about Mirah.
Even though him and Mirah were practically "high school sweethearts" his feelings for her changed as years went by. Her moving to Hawaii only made it worse and he felt like she knew.
In his mind, they weren't together anymore but he knew she'd feel differently.

They never truly ended things when she moved away. It was just a little break or space whatever you'd call it.
When they ran into each other in Hawaii, he knew talking to her wasn't the best thing to do but after one too many drinks, he couldn't control what else happened.

A while after, Mirah told him she was pregnant.
He knew it was his because Mirah wasn't the type to "get around".
He didn't know how he'd tell Ximena about this but he knew he needed to.
When he went back to Hawaii with his dad on the business trip, his intentions was to break up with her  but when they met up she was emotional.
Her parents was disappointed in her because she got pregnant before getting married.
They put her out of the house and she had to basically live with one of her friends down there.

That stressed Amir out because now he had to move her back to the states.
He couldn't let her be uncomfortable knowing she was carrying his child.

When he came back he brought her with him. That's when he decided to meet up with Ximena and well we all know how that went.
He was upset that Ximena reacted the way she did but he knew she had every right to feel how she felt.
Then when she dropped the bomb about Nasir he felt like what he did wasn't as bad so they were even.
Or so he thought.

Eventually, someone told Mirah about him and Ximena. To say Mirah was outraged was an understatement. That's when she decided she didn't want Ximena to be her nurse anymore. At first, when she noticed that she was hesitant to hug her at the appointment she thought nothing about it because they weren't really friends in high-school but after what she learnt, she felt like she knew why she was hesitant. And she was right.
She couldn't blame her though.

As time went by, he started to feel bad. No matter what him and Mirah did he couldn't stop thinking about Ximena.
When he reached out and they talked, after a long time he felt happy.
Then at her shop opening, it took everything in him not to kiss her.
He knew being there would upset Nasir but he didn't care. He felt like that was enough for what he did while they were together.

Mirah caught wind of the time he took their daughter to Ximena's shop and all hell broke loose.
Amir and her got in a heated argument and things were said.
She decided to move out and a few days later, she filed for child support.

Amir was upset to say the least but he couldn't do anything about it.
Every week, he went shopping for his daughter just to make sure she wasn't in need of anything.

He'd pick her up on Friday's and drop her off on Sunday's.
When things were going too smoothly, Mirah would stir up old problems and keep Amirah away from him for a few weeks until she needed something.


"Stop! That tickles"  Ximena giggled as she tried to push Nasir off of her but it didn't work.
They were currently at his place, cuddled up in his bed.
He always loved her scent. It made him feel comfortable, at peace.
He wrapped his arm around her and continued to rub his nose against her neck which tickled her.
"You always smell so good ma. I just love being around you" he stopped and looked up at her.
Looking back at him she couldn't help but smile.
Running her finger across his lip, she gently pecked him.
"I love being around you too. I'm happy we decided to do this again. I missed you so much" she vented.

He pulled her down and gently kissed her lips.
She kissed back and soon enough, he flipped her over and he was on top.
Gently wrapping his hand around her neck, he deepened the kiss and a soft moan escaped her lips.
"I missed you too" he finally replied.

It's been a month since they decided to give their relationship another chance and they weren't regretting it at all.
Nasir was ready for the real deal. He practically changed his number and only give a selective few the new one.
He really wanted things to work with Ximena because he love her.
Yeah LOVE.
All the hoes and old sneaky links gone.
He was ready to marry this woman.
"Let's go for a drive. I'm craving milkshakes and fries" Ximena got out of bed and pulled on her leggings.
They got dressed and headed out of the house.

"Here you go lil baby" He handed her her bag of large fries and cookie and cream milkshake.
"Thank you" she cheesed.

She dug into her fries and took a sip of her milkshake and moan in happiness.
Her craving was fulfilled.
Nasir couldn't help but chuckle at the woman he's in love with.

"You're sure you don't want anything?" She questioned for the fifth time since they left the house.
"I'm straight ma. I'm just happy to be here with you" he held her hand from across the table.
Ximena couldn't help but feel butterflies in her belly.
Nasir was showing her a side that she missed.
He was finally comfortable again and she wouldn't do anything to lose it again because she was slowly falling in love with this man again.

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