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"Wait babe stop! Von is calling me" Ximena said as her and Nasir played fight in bed.
It was the weekend and they decided to stay in and spend some time together.
They both had been busy for quite some time now with work.
Nasir had a few business trips that took him to places like Trinidad, Australia and even French Guiana.
He had asked Ximena to come with him a couple of times but she'd kindly say no.
Being that she was opening another branch for her business, she was very busy and spent most of her days with the contractors because just like her first shop, she wanted it to be perfect.
She quickly answered her phone.
Von usually just texted so for him to be calling she started thinking the worst.
"Hey Von, is everything okay?"
She questioned as she got out of bed.
"Hey Ximena. Yeah all is well sorry if I startled you by calling but we need to talk. It's important. Can we meet up somewhere?"
"Uh sure that's fine. The cafe by my shop would be okay"
He agreed and they hung up.
"Babe I'm gonna go see what's up with Von. He said it's important"
Nasir gave her a skeptical look.
"Text me and let me know when you get there and when you're leaving" He stated as he watched her try to fit all her thighs into a pair of jeans.
"Okay" she simply replied as she struggled to get into the jeans.
He chuckled.
"You need some new jeans lil baby. You're getting thicker"
She groaned. She knew he was right but she didn't want to admit it.
"I'm leaving babe" she gave him a kiss.
"Be careful"
"I will"
She closed the door behind her and headed to her car.
She began the 10 mins drive to the cafe and couldn't help but wonder what Von wanted to talk about.
She pulled into a parking spot.
Sending Nasir a quick text, she got out of her car and locked it.
She walked into the cafe and instantly her eyes landed on Von.
He waved her over.
"Hey" he got up and they shared a hug.
"I know you're probably wondering why I called because I usually just text"
He said.
"Yes I was surprised. My mind instantly started thinking the worse" she got comfortable as she sat across from him.
He chuckled.
"No need to be worried. The reason why I asked you here is because" He paused for a second.
"I want to marry Farrah" my eyes grew wide.
"I know how much you both mean to each other and I would really appreciate if you give me your blessing"
I nodded.
"Of course I'll give you my blessing Travon. You make my bestfriend the happiest girl in the world. You've given her a whole new meaning of love"
I was beyond happy for this.
For Farrah. For them.
"Thank you. She's given me a whole new perspective about life and love. I couldn't imagine spending my life without her"
"I've already gotten her parents blessings. I just need one more favor from you. It's a surprise engagement party and I would really appreciate it if you could plan it"
"You don't even have to tell me twice. I got you" I cheesed.
Ximena stretched as she closed her laptop.
Today she spent the day choosing the venue for the engagement party, created the invitation and sent them out virtually.
She made sure to highlight the fact that it was a surprise.
"Chicken curry and white rice like you requested"
Ximena smiled at the plate that was placed in front of her.
"Thank you babe" she instantly dug in.
"Hmm this is good"
Within 3 mins the plate was cleaned and Ximena laid back on the couch as her eyelids grew heavy.
"That hit the spot" she commented.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it. Finish sending out the invites?" Nasir questioned.
"Yes I just did. I love how they turned out"
They got cozy on the couch as Blacklist played on the tv.
Soon enough, Nasir started to rub circles on her arms as she slowly drifted off to sleep.
"I've missed you!" Farrah squealed as her and Ximena engulfed each other in a tight hug.
"We been so busy with life we hardly get to catch up like before this sucks" Ximena pouted.
They got seated.
Ximena decided to invite Farrah out for lunch today.
Her plan initially was to stay in this weekend but since Travon broke the news to her, she felt like she needed to see where her best friend's head was at.
" I know! I passed by the new location a couple days ago you're coming along so good. I love the colors"
Farrah complimented.
"It really is! I've been there everyday since they started working making sure it's going exactly how I want it to"
"Enough about me though. How are you and Travon?" She questioned.
Her eyes instantly lit up.
"He's buying me a house!" She cheesed.
"Really? That's beautiful"
"Yes we visited a few places last week but the last one we saw was definitely the one. I've started ordering stuff to design the interior. I'm so excited"
"That man really loves you" Ximena said.
Farrah stared at her bestfriend.
"Yes he does. I never thought this would be us but look at where we are. House shopping and shit"
They giggled.

"Sooo how are you and Nasir?"
"We're good. He's been super supportive and I can't thank him enough. He comes by as often as he can to see how it's going. He's been having a lot of business meetings over seas so we're trying to incorporate that into our lives now. As much as I'd love to go with him, I have other commitments here"
Farrah nodded.
"That's true. I'm just happy that you guys got past that stage in your relationship. Doing better and living better. I'm happy for you both"
"Look at us. Living life and getting this money"
They clinked their glasses together.

"Quick tea. Did you know that Mirah took Amir to court?"
Ximena furrowed her eyebrows together.
It's been awhile since she has heard or spoken to Amir.
Nasir wasn't in support of their "friendship" so she felt as if she should respect his wishes and keep things short with Amir for the sake of her relationship.
"Oh no I didn't. Why?"
"So she hates that Amir is still in love with you. She literally does any and everything to keep y'all apart. When that stopped working and he ended things, she filed for child support. Now he only gets to see Amirah on the weekends. Whenever he does something that she doesn't like she prevents him from seeing his daughter for weeks. She's just spiteful and vindictive if you ask me"
Ximena shook her head.
She never understood why Mirah was so against her and Amir.
They weren't even together anymore and haven't been since they first broke up.
Ximena was practically over Amir.
"That's just sad because she knows how much that man loves his daughter"
"Right!" Farrah agreed.

The girls continued to catch up and enjoy each other's company.
No matter how many days or weeks went by, nothing could change their relationship.

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