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Ximena Kai Carter
I stood outside my house as I waited for Farrah to come get me. It was my first day off and we made plans to go to the mall, do a little shopping and catch up a bit.
It's been two weeks since we've seen each other and I missed that girl like crazy.
We met back in elementary school. She had just moved from New York to Atlanta. I could've seen how nervous she was so to make her more comfortable I invited her to sit next to me. Since then we've been inseparable.
We weren't the "popular girls" but people definitely knew us.
"I'm sooo sorry. I had to take Kash to the vet and I totally lost track of the time"
I opened the car door and got in buckling up.
"It's fine Farrah" I smiled as we shared a hug.
The drive to the mall was quiet. We just enjoyed the music that played and the fresh air. Since it was only a 15 mins drive to the mall, we got there in no time. We quickly found parking, hopped out the car and locked it. Walking into the mall, we scoped out which stores we would visit first.
We spent about an hour and a half shopping before heading to the food court.
"Hmm that Chinese food smells so good" I breathe in allowing it to tamper with my taste buds.
"Right, I'll go get us some" Farrah said as she placed her bags on the table and headed for the food.

I took the time to scroll around on my phone not looking for anything in particular. As I was scrolling on IG, I came across a picture of Amir. I've had a crush on this boy for as long as I can remember. We went to all the same schools together. He wasn't a player but he definitely had a lot of girls running after him. However, he also had a girlfriend, Mirah.
I ain't gon front and say she's ugly cause she's not. They been on and off for about 2 years. I've never had a convo with him because I'm scared I'd slip up and say some dumb shit and embarrass myself.
I had went away to LA for a few years after high school and I only returned a few months ago.

"Here you go" Farrah placed my food in front of me, making me shift my attention from my phone to the food.
"Thank you" she sat across from me. Placing her bags on one of the empty seats, she started eating.
"So how has work been treating you?"
I sighed. "I've been working mad shifts so my boss decided to give me the entire weekend off. I'm grateful for it though. I need some sleep. How about you?"
"I've been thinking about quitting and helping my parents with the family business. It's a good piece of money plus they've been talking about stepping down and letting me run it. So basically the first few months they'll be grooming me" I nodded.

Farrah is the only child for her parents so basically she's spoiled. They own a restaurant here and for years they've been begging Farrah to get on board with them. At first she didn't want to do it because she said "people are annoying" but her parents have been talking about retirement and Farrah thought it's the least she could do for them since they've always made sure she was well taken care of.

"That's really great-
"Oh girl there go ya man" I turned in the direction she was pointing and saw Amir and two of his homeboys.
"You know that ain't my man stop" I rolled my eyes.
She smirked. "You need to put all that nervousness behind you and shoot ya shot"
"Have you forgotten he has a girl Farrah?" She rolled her eyes.
"Who? Mirah? I heard they broke up"
"That's what they do. They break up today and tomorrow they're back to posting each other. Yeah I rather not get tangled in that shit"
Him and his boys made there way to the food court, occupying the seats at the table next to us.
"Wassup" Von, one of Amir friends said as he sat. The other one, Mario went to buy their food.
"Hey Von" Farrah and I said together. I continued to eat trying my hardest not to look at Amir. He was on his phone.
Von came over to our table. "What y'all doing tonight?" Farrah shrug.
"Nothing, why? What you tryna get into?" Von was a cool dude. He always spoke to us whenever he saw us.
"Shit, me and my homeboys was thinking about hitting up the club. Y'all down?" Farrah eyed me.
"It's whatever, I'm down" I said. I haven't been to the club in awhile and I know Farrah wanted to go.
"Aite, guesss I'll see y'all there" we nodded. He eyes Farrah, licking his lips and walked back over to his table.
Just as I looked up Amir and I eyes made four. I quickly looked away.
"You ready? Think I need a nap before tonight"
"Yeah let's go" we grabbed our bags and garbage, making sure to dispose of them in the trash.
Farrah decided that she'd spend the night at my house, so after leaving the mall we headed to her house to get her overnight bag then we went to my house.
"What you wearing?" Farrah asked as she laid on her stomach, watching me as I stood in front of my closet.
I shrugged. Making my way into my closet, I browsed around for something sexy. It was the club and the male population will be stepping out. If I wanted to turn heads, I had to dress for the occasion. I picked up a black dress that stopped right on my thighs. To match, I pulled out some strappy heels.

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