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Nasir sat by her bed side just staring at her.
He felt guilty for what happened to her.
Farrah stood by her other side as Travon rubbed her shoulder to comfort her.
Her face was stained with tears and her eyes were swollen from all the times she spent crying.
Xahier sat in the chair far away from the bed. He couldn't stand to see his sister in such a state.
Tubes in her mouth, hooked up to a machine.
He knew his mom would raise hell when she got here.
"Ma'am she's in room 211"
Everyone could hear her.
She quickly entered the room and started crying.
"No! Not my baby no!" Xahier got up to comfort his mother.
"How? Why didn't you tell me she was kidnapped?" She started hitting his chest.
"Because I didn't want you to act like this mom. Your pressure is going to go up"
She continued to cry.
"And where is Amir?" She questioned looking straight at Nasir.
"We don't know. He was shot. He could be dead somewhere"
She shook her head.
The doctor came an hour ago and told them that due to the accident, she had a terrible concussion that caused a brain bleed.
The surgery was successful, however she slipped into a coma.
Also she was almost two weeks pregnant.
Nasir had no clue but judging from the time they last had sex to now there was no way he could've been the father.
Everyone was shocked.
They hadn't gotten an update about Amir.
All they knew was that he was shot.
By time they got to the scene, it was as though Ximena alone was ever in the car.


*one month later*

"How is she doing?"
"She's still in the coma"
He sighed. It shouldn't have to be this way.
He was already healed and doing better while she wasn't.
"It's all my fault. I should've left her alone"
"That's not all Mr. Davis. She's 6 weeks pregnant"
Amir eyes grew wide.
"Yes her boyfriend has no idea she was which means she didn't know either"
He sighed.
"Thanks for the update man. I'll keep in touch"
He hung up.
Of course Nasir didn't know she was pregnant.
She got pregnant while she was with Amir.
"Its my child"
Everyday since she's been in a coma, Nasir checked on her.
He'd sit by her bed and pray for her. Sometimes even read.
"I gotto go lil baby. I got a business trip to make. I won't be here for a couple weeks but that doesn't mean you get to die on me. I hope by time I get back you'll be up"
Kissing her forehead, he took one last look at her before heading out.
He made sure to let them know to update him if anything happens, like every other time he was about to leave the hospital.
Getting in his car, he headed to her apartment.
He been staying here since she was kidnapped, occasionally stopping by his place to get clothes.
Looking around her apartment, it felt so empty to him.
Memories of them watching tv together, cooking dinner or them just cuddled up on her couch started to flood his mind.
Picking up a photo of her, he smiled at the grin she had on her face.
"I miss you girl" a tear slid from his eyes.
Grabbing everything he would need for his trip, he finished off packing and with one last look of the apartment, he left.
Farrah got out of her car and headed towards the entrance of the hospital. She sighed.
She hated coming here because of the way it smelled and she hated seeing her bestfriend laying in the hospital bed.
She greeted the nurse that she had grown accustomed to seeing and headed to Ximena's room.
Throwing out the flowers she brought a few weeks back, she added the new ones.
"Hey girly" she smiled as she rubbed her hair.
"I miss you"
"The doctor said they don't see any marks of violence or any signs that you were being harmed prior to the accident. That's a good thing right? Travon said Amir wouldn't hurt you he loved you too much"
Farrah began to cry.
"Why didn't he let you go if he loved you so much though? Didn't he want you to be happy?"
She was sobbing at this point.
"I just want you to wake up. I feel so lonely without you. Travon says I haven't been myself since the accident and he's right. I miss my bestfriend. I miss getting those random calls where we'd just catch up and you'd tell me how I was glowing or how happy I looked. Our dates of us just being big backs"
She chuckled at the last part.
"I just want you back"
Farrah decided to take a seat in the chair that was by her bed.
After a few minutes of her thoughts overwhelming her, she fell asleep.
"Farrah wake up" she looks up and saw Xahier and their mom, Ms. Vana.
"Hey baby. You fell asleep" Ms. Vana said as she rubbed her shoulder.
Checking her time she realized a few hours had gone by.
"Yeah I was here since 3:30 and it's now 8"
Getting up, she gathered her stuff to leave.
"I'll be back tomorrow to see you my love" she kissed her cheek then left out the room, leaving Ximena's close family to spend time with her.
Her mom took the brush and comb out of her bag and proceeded to fix Ximena's hair.
Singing soft gospels, she took her time making sure every strand of hair on her daughter's head was tended to.
She looked at her daughter.
Even with bandages and scratches on her face she could never get over how beautiful she was.
She and her husband definitely took their times when they made their kids.
When her hair was finished combing, she used ointments on her face to help the scratches fade away quickly.
"My child, you will pull through this. You are a warrior. I love you"
Kissing her daughter's forehead, she took a seat next to her son, who just admired his sister.
"Is everybody gone?" He asked
"Yes. Right this way"
The doctor led him to her room.
"Take as much time as you need"
As he walked into her room, he started to question if he should do this or not.
It was already his fault she was in this mess.
Looking down at the bandage around her head, scratches on her face and all the things she was hooked up to, he started to silently cry.
"I'm so sorry mama. I didn't mean for this to happen. I just wanted us to be together. Ximena I love you more than words could explain. I made some terrible decisions in my past. One's that I'm still paying for but I want you to believe me when I say I love you"

Sitting in the chair by her bed, he held her hands and began to slowly stroke it.
"You're pregnant too" looking at her belly, it was barely recognizable but it was definitely there.
"I don't know if you'll wanna keep it when you wake because of the way it was conceived but I really hope you do. What we did for almost three weeks" he smiled remembering all the times they spent together.
"It wasn't nothing. It was definitely something"
"I always loved looking at your pretty face especially while we had sex. The faces you made. The sounds you made. Always made me feel like I was doing something right"
"You probably won't want me around but please just keep my baby"
Adding the flowers he brought to her vase, he looked at her one last time before he left for his flight.
"I'll always love you mama. Don't ever forget it"
After kissing her forehead and rubbing her growing bump, he left.

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