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A couple of weeks had past since Nasir and Ximena had made things official.
So far, everything was going great. Nasir had already cut off any female he had ever fucked with because he didn't want any drama nor did he want to disrespect Ximena.
Currrntly, they were in bed just cuddling. Ximena had a few days off from the hospital and Nasir had set aside some time to spend with her.
"I got to meet up with Xahier" he said as he slowly rubbed her butt.
"What for?" She asked.
"I got to tell him. I don't want any falling outs because of this. I know how protective he is of you and I know how much you value your relationship with him. I always messed up because I didn't ask him first" she thought about it for a second and she agreed.
Xahier always made it clear that he has no control over who his sister chose to get caught up with but he just hoped she'd make the best decision for her own well being.
"Yeah I think you should tell him"
He was happy that she understood where he was coming from.
"You hungry?" He asked.
"Yeah but I don't feel like cooking" she pouted.
"That's fine mama. I'll take you out. Get dressed" he gently tapped her butt for her to get out of bed.
Sluggishly she got up and headed into his washroom.
She quickly used the toilet. Afterwards, she brushed her teeth.
"I think I should shower" she mentally thought to her self.
Stripping, she placed her clothes in his laundry hamper and got in the shower.
After 10 minutes, she was out and wrapped in her towel.
She headed out into the room to get dressed.
Nasir was already dressed in something simple; a white T-shirt with a black hoodie over it, some black Nike shorts, white socks and Gucci slides.
She did my hygiene stuff and got dressed. She decided on a simple black spaghetti strap dress that shehad ordered from SHEIN with her black Tory Burch flip flops.
She got my purse and slid her phone into it.
Spraying some perfume, Ximena glanced at herself in the mirror contented with how she looked.
"You ready?" Nasir asked as he admired the woman that stood in front of him.
For as long as he could remember, Ximena was always beautiful to him.
He had a soft spot for her.
But, he never told her because he was older and she was a youngin' and he didn't want to come off as a creep. That's why he's always been protective of her because he'd go crazy if something ever happened to her.
"Yes I'm ready" she turned away from the mirror to look at him.
She caught him licking his lips which made her chuckle.
"Stop staring"
Standing to his feet, he gently pulled her towards him.
"You look so good lil baby. Gimme a kiss" he puckered his lips which caused her to laugh.
She pecked him.
"Naa what the fuck was that?"
He asked.
Rolling her eyes, she kissed him.
His hands wandered down to her ass as he smacked and grabbed it.
He earned a Moan from her and quickly slid his tongue into her mouth.
The heat was being to rise and Ximena realized that if she didn't stop now they would end up not going out anymore.
"Nasir let's go" she said pulling away.
He let out a low groan.
Grabbing his keys, he followed behind her.
He opened her door and made sure she was seat well before heading to the driver's seat.
"What you hungry for?" He asked as they pulled out his long driveway.
"I want some good ole creole food" she said as she imagined it.
He nodded and approved because he too felt for some.
They quickly pulled up to a spot he always picked up food from.
Usually, he would buy and leave but tonight he decided they'd just eat there.
As they made their way to the door, he quickly opened it not wanting her to.
"Thank you"
"Just order whatever you're ordering for you for me" Ximena said as she took a seat by the window in the back.
She observed her surrounding.
She remember coming here a few times with Nasir but she'd stay in the car. She could hear reggae music playing lowly from the speakers. The place didn't have a lot of people so she knew Nasir would return soon.
And he did.
He came around the corner with two boxes and a tray with their drinks.
"Thank you" she said as he placed her box in front of her.
"I got us some Caribbean fruit juice. I know you've probably never had it but I have and I know you would like it"
She picked up the cup he placed in front of her and took a sip.
"That's soursop juice. Do you like it?" She nodded.
"It's definitely good. I love the little milky taste it has"
He nodded. "I know you would like that. I got cherry juice" he said.
She picked up his cup wanting to see what that would taste like.
"Hmm" she said.
"I love that!" She grinned.
"Yeah I usually get mauby but they don't have any"
Opening in her box, her mouth began to water at the site.
There was oxtail and rice with greens and macaroni.
She quickly dig in.
Nasir had curry goat and white rice; something he personally enjoyed.
They ate in silence.
From time to time Ximena would ask Nasir for a spoon of his food because she too enjoyed curry goat.
After leaving the little creole joint, Ximena had develop a sweet tooth for some ice cream.
So they decided to walk to a little ice cream outlet not too far from where they had parked.
"Ladies first" Nasir said as he opened the door for her.
"Why thank you" she blushed.
"I'll go order" she quickly offered and walked away before Nasir could decline.
"Welcome to Candy World. How can I help you?"
"Hey can I have a waffle bowl with a vanilla cone?"
"Sure, that would be $10" she slid the girl a twenty and told her to keep the change.
"Thank you" the teenaged girl beamed.
"What flavor would you like for your waffle bowl?" Ximena quickly scanned the variety of flavors before her.
"Hm I'll have one scoop of cookie and cream, one scoop of butterscotch and one scoop of vanilla"
"Any toppings?"
"Yes caramel syrup" the girl nodded.
She handed Ximena her order and thanked her once again for the large tip she left her.
"Here you go" she said as she handed Nasir his cone.
"Preciate it lil baby"
She took a seat in the booth next to him.
"That looks like diabetes in a bowl he said as she scrunched up his face.
"Shut up it's not" she playfully rolled her eyes.
"Yeah whatever you say"
"I remember you would always talk about opening your own candle store. What's up with that?"
She was a bit shocked that he even remembered that.
"It's going great actually. I'm doing some final touches to the place. The grand opening is in 3 weeks I'm so excited" she cheesed as she began to think about how far she has came.
She always had a thing for candle when she was younger.
Her mom would buy her candles and they'd be finished within days.
"Oh yeah ? That's wassup baby" he smiled.
"I'm proud that you're finally making your dream into a reality" he gently rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb.
Ximena heard footsteps followed by knocking on the washroom door.
"I'm in here Nasir. What's wrong?"
"Oh my bad. You disappeared for a while so I started getting worried.
She flushed the toilet then washed her hands.
Opening the door, she saw Nas waiting for her.
"My period just started and the cramps are beating my ass" She said.
"Let's go to the movie room" he guided her downstairs. She took a seat on the sofa.
"I'll be right back" he handed her the remote.
Nasir quickly made his way to the kitchen.
He didn't have a heating pad so head just boil some water and get a rag.
He made a mental note to pick up a heating pad for Ximena.
He took it to the movie room.
"Raise your t-shirt lil baby" she did as told.
He squeezed the rag.
"This might be a little hot" he said.
He carefully rest it just above her vagina.
"Thank you babe" Ximena cooed at him.
He left again to get her some ice cream. He had learnt over time that it was her comfort food.
He got a bowl and added three scoops of butterscotch ice cream to the bowl.
"Here you go" he handed her the bowl.
She smiled.
"I'm going to go see my mom. I'll be back in a few, okay?"
"Okay. Kiss?" She asked as she looked up at him.
He bent down and gently kiss her.
"I'll be your a plate"

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