When He Saves You/When You Meet - Michelangelo

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You grabbed your skateboard, strapping on your helmet and taking out your I-Pod. You smiled as you hugged Mr. Murakami before pulling away. "I'll see you later!" You said before leaving the noodle shop. You made sure both of your headphones were fastened in/on (depending on what you prefer) your ears. You blasted your favorite song, not paying attention to the world around you. Your iPod began to play one of those really bad songs that you just can't delete, so you grabbed your board, and placed it under your arm, while you scrolled through your songs trying to find one to listen to. Because of this distraction, you walked towards the street, without looking for cars. You didn't hear the huge truck that was now headed straight for you. You looked to your right suddenly, seeing headlights. You were stuck, frozen in fear. Suddenly, you were tackled to the sidewalk, out of the way of the truck before you were squished like a pancake. You ripped out/off your headphones, immediately hugging the person who had just saved your life. "Thank you thank you thank you!!! If it weren't for you I would've been a pancake!!! Or or!" You finally looked at your savior. He was a boy, around your age, who had big bright blue eyes. He had adorable little freckles, and messy skater like blonde hair. You blushed, realizing you had just gone a little overboard. "Oh wow you're pretty okay ignore my pancake rant please and thank you." You said, releasing him, and burying your face in your hands. You heard an adorable laugh and looked up seeing an equally as adorable smile. "Dudette chill! Why wouldn't I save a cutie like you?!" This caused you to smile brightly yet again, letting out a light giggle. "Well dude, my name is (y/n)." You stuck out your hand. "Michelangelo!! But you can call me Mikey or the Mikester or.. Almost anything really." You laughed as he took your hand shaking it up and down over and over, a bit obnoxiously. "Mikey! Patrol time, come on." A boy with black hair yelled at Mikey, waving him over. Mikey looked back a you with a little bit of a pouty face. "Dudette, lemme see your phone yeah?" You smiled, pulling your phone out and handing it to the strange boy in front of you. He handed it back to you, and kissed your cheek lightly, before running off to catch up with the boy in blue. "Catch ya later (y/n)!!!" He disappeared, and with that, you looked at your phone. 'Mikey 💛💛💛💛💛.' You giggled lightly, putting your earphones back where they were. You jumped on your skateboard, and off to your apartment you went.

(Idk I think this may be my worst one, even though this was the one I was most excited to write. 😫😫😫😫 I'm sorry if I failed you.)

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