When He Comes Over - Michelangelo

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You were already at the door when Mikey came over. "Hey dude!! Just go in, I'm just paying the pizza man." You giggled, handing the pizza guy the money while Mikey took the pizzas from his hands. "You rock dudette." Mikey spoke, smiling as he walked in. You shut the door behind you, walking towards the couch, where Mikey was already digging in. "Scoot over," you giggled, sitting on the couch after Mikey moved. You tossed him your game folder (I have one of those it's easier than just a bunch of disc cases.) "pick one to play!" You grabbed a piece of pizza, biting into it. "Mario Kart! Yes!" He yelled, standing up and putting the game into the system. You giggled at how excited he was, as he grabbed two remotes and sat back down on the couch. You squealed a bit when you were picked up and placed into Mikey's lap. He wrapped his arms around you, holding the remote in his hands and resting his chin on your shoulder. "Grab me another piece of pizza, yeah?" You giggled, grabbing the piece and shoving it into his mouth. The game began, you picking Princess Peach and he picking Yoshi.

*time skip*

You had just lost. Again. You groaned in defeat, placing your head back into Mikey's chest. "I give up!" You sighed, as he chuckled deeply. "Sorry! I'm just too good!" You hit him jokingly, as he turned on Netflix. You yawned a bit, snuggling into the blonde cutie. "What are we watching?" You smiled, looking as he scrolled through Netflix. "Adventure Time!" He laughed, finding it and clicking play. You smiled at his childish nature.

*time skip again*

At some point during the show, you were laying down. You heard a light snoring coming from behind you, and you giggled, turning in Mikey's arms. "Mikey... Mikey wake up.." You giggled as he made a face. You tried to get up, but you only had his arms tighten around you. "Stay here.." Mikey growled out, still asleep. You sighed, getting comfy. Your eyes began to drop, and you quickly fell asleep.

*time skip again again and also Mikey's POV*

I woke up only to see (y/n) sleeping. It was probably the cutest thing I had ever seen. I gently lifted her up, Princess style, of course, and carried her off to her bed. I tucked her in, and kissed the tip of her nose gently. "Goodnight monkey." I spoke, before leaving quietly.

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