When He/You Confess - Donatello

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Donnie had been working on your laptop at your house. He had gone back to his place in order to grab some thing he forgot. Before he left though, he made you promise not to touch the computer. He even left a sticky note that said 'DO NOT TOUCH,' in huge red letters. You sighed, tapping your fingers lightly on the table, having a stare down with the laptop. You just wanted to see how far he was, why was that so wrong. I mean, it's your laptop anyway.

'Yeah,' you thought. 'It is my laptop.' You stood up confidently, waltzing over to the laptop, and raising the screen. When you did, your eyes grew wide. In front of you, on the screen was a collage of pictures, not only you had taken with Donnie, but some pictures of you you had never seen before. Next to the collage was another of Donnie's sticky notes, which you tore off gently.
'Dear (y/n),
I knew you couldn't wait. You're about as curious as a cat, you know that? If you would've just waited a little longer, you could have heard all of this from me. I like you (y/n). More than technology. More than experiments. Heck, even more than science itself. -Donnie'
You felt your eyes tearing up a bit, then felt a pair of arms wrap around you. "I really wish you would've waited." A voice mumbled gently into your ear. You gently hugged the arms that were around you, leaning into the voice. "Donnie.. I like you too." You smiled as he gently kissed next to your ear. You turned around in his arms, and saw the purple tulips that were sitting on the table. Donnies face turned bright red, as you made eye contact. "T-those are for y-you.." He stuttered out. There was the shy Donnie you had come to adore.

Soooooo... Yeah. I'm not good at confessions ;-; I tried. Idk I just felt like making Donnie a super confident studly confessor. I think it went nicely. :)

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