When He Gets Jealous - Donatello

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You smiled lightly as you read over the text Donnie just sent you. He had been explaining to you how he built his and his brothers cellphones. How it started? You dropped your phone and the screen cracked a bit. You giggled lightly, texting him back quickly before focusing on walking. You had been asked by your science teacher to tutor a student. It was Justin, the star player on the soccer team. You walked into the classroom, greeting Justin with a light smile.
You: I'll text you in about an hour Donnie, I have someone I promised I would tutor.
Donnie: at the school?
You: of course at the school. :) talk to you later!
You sighed, setting your bag down on the floor. "Alright Justin, let's do this thing." You said, cracking open your science textbook.
You and Justin walked out the school together. "Alright, alright, I learned this one especially for you," Justin laughed out, after telling you a hilarious joke. "What did one computer say to the other?" You let out a light giggle, still thinking about his last joke. "What?" "01010110101010" you let out another laugh, before making it outside the school. "Oh my god I can't handle anymore." You sighed out, holding your sides. Justin laughed with you. "(Y/n?" You heard your name, and turned towards it, seeing the guy who always made you smile. "Donnie!" You ran over and hugged him tightly. "I didn't know you were coming!" You spoke, a smile plastered on your face. "I thought I'd surprise you." He smiled back down at you, as Justin walked over. " Oh yeah Don! This is Justin, the guy I was tutoring." Justin extended his hand. "Nice to meet you man." Donnie scoffed a bit, still hugging onto you. "Yeah." He spoke out, turning to you. "Come on (y/n), let's go." He said, pulling on your hand gently. "Wait Don, ugh. Bye Justin, see you in science!" You yelled at a confused Justin. "Uh yeah, thanks for the help!" He yelled back, before turning and walking in the other direction. "Donnie, where are we going?" Silence. You heard light mumbles coming from his lips. "Oh Justin's so funny. I bet it wasn't ever that funny. Dumbass." You grew tired of him ignoring you. "Donnie?" You stopped, which in turn, stopped Donatello. He turned, looking, and seeing that he still had your tiny hand wrapped in his long fingers. He released it quickly, blushing. You smiled gently. "I um. Sorry (y/n).." Was Donnie jealous? Pink dusted across your cheeks. "It's fine Donnie. Oh!" You went and reached into your pocket, pulling out your phone. You showed the crack to Donnie, a small pout on your lips. "Fix it? Please?" You begged, finally seeing the gap in his smile. "Anything for you (y/n)." The both of you walked close together, sometimes bumping hands causing the both of you to blush. "Hey (y/n). What did one computer say to the other?" "What Donnie," you smiled lightly, already knowing the answer. "010101101010." You let out a light laugh, forgetting about the way Justin said it. After all, it sounded better coming from your cute computer geek.

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