When He Saves You/When You Meet - Donatello

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You smiled brightly as you dragged a full wagon behind you. Inside were parts of a robot that you had found earlier. "Finally," you whispered to yourself. "I can make a security system against the 'wonder' that is New York." You sighed, pulling you (h/l/c) hair out of the ponytail you had put it in, letting it cascade gently across your neck. You began drawing a blueprint in your mind, not paying attention to the footsteps that were now gaining on you. Suddenly, you were yanked out of your thoughts by a man. At least, that's what it looked like. "Hey!" You yelled, trying to get your arm out of the iron grip. "Let me go!" You kicked the man in the place where the sun don't shine. He must have been wearing some type of cup, because your foot was now throbbing in pain and the man was standing as though nothing had happened. "The one known as the human female will be coming with the Kraang." You looked around, growing fearful as you saw around five exact replicas of the man in front of you. "The Kraang? Where are you taking me?" You began to struggle, forcing the man to pick you up, along with the new supplies you had found, and carry you towards a van. The robot parts were thrown in first, and after they prepared to throw you in next. Suddenly, a shuriken flew out of nowhere, strickinf the Kraang holding you, causing you to drop to the ground. Your eyes grew wide as you watched the 'man' begin to short out. "What the-" you gasped, as you You watched as a young man leapt from the shadows, destroying all of the Kraang with what looked like a bō. You watched in awe until all but a few Kraang were destroyed. They quickly took off, taking your robot supplies with you. You stayed sitting on the ground, still in complete shock over the events that had just occurred. "Ma'am?" You heard softly, as a hand was placed on your shoulder. You flinched a little, now being face to face with the stranger who had saved you. He had wavy light brown hair, which was pulled back in a little pony tail. His eyes were a reddish brown color, and he had an adorable gap in his teeth. You blushed a bit. "T-thank you f-for um.. Saving me.." You stuttered out. He blushed after hearing your soft voice, finally drawing in your appearance. "M-my name's Donatello... D-Donnie for short." He smiled a goofy smile, causing you to let out a light giggle. He held his hand out for you, helping you up. "(Y/N)... It's nice to meet you Donnie." You both stood there silently for a minute, drawn in by each other's eyes. "Donnie!!" You heard from the shadows. "Let's get a move on!" You tilted your head a bit, confused. Donnie finally realized your hand. It was still entrapped by his. He quickly released your hand blushing and coughing a bit. "I'll um.. See you again." He said, turning and walking back towards the shadows. "Hey Donnie!" You yelled, grabbing his attention and having him turn around. You let out a light giggle as you held up his bō. "Forgetting something?" He walked back over, that goofy smile plastered to his face yet again. "T-thank you (y/n)." You blushed at how your name rolled off his lips, looking down. When you looked back up, Donnie was gone. In his place was a little piece of paper. You bent down, picking it up and looking it over. On it was 10 digits and a cute smiley face. You began the short walk to your apartment, as you pulled out your phone and entered the number. "Donatello.." You whispered, smiling brightly as you added a bright purple heart by his name.

(Alright you guys, this was my very first TMNT story ever! How did you like it??? /).(\ crossing my fingers that you guys do like it. 💜)

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