When He/You Confess - Leonardo

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You had invited Leo over to watch Space Heroes, to which he nervously agreed. You both sat on the couch, you with your feet crossed, and him with his arm dangling gently over your shoulders. He had been deeply engrossed with the television, so you just stared at him admiringly. You liked your hero in blue, maybe even loved him. You sighed a bit sadly, thinking of how you were going to confess to him.

You chose the straight forward route.
"Leo, I have to tell you something." Leo turned and looked at you a bit anxiously. "Can't it wait (y/n), the best part is coming up." The both of you had seen this episode a bagillon times, and he chooses now of all times to be stingy about it? "N-no, I don't think it can.. Leo, I really li-." He cut you off, placing a finger to your lips. "J-just watch, (y/n)," he said blushing as you turned towards the television screen. He was there. Wait... You turned and looked at him with a confused expression. He moved his head towards the TV, as if telling you to listen. 'Is this thing on? Shit, okay um. Hi there (y/n). If things went according to plan, I'm there with you right now, and we're watching episode (insert number here), the first episode we ever watched together. How do I start this..' 'Come on Leo, hurry up! We don't have all day!' Someone yelled at him, assuming from behind the camera. 'Shut it Raph! Anyways.. (Y/n), I like you.. I like you a lot. I like you more than I like Space Heroes.' 'And that's really saying something.' 'Mikey shush! Anyways. I was wondering, if you would do me the honor of being my-' the commercial cut off, probably being too long. You squealed a bit when you were suddenly picked up and placed on Leo's lap. "Girlfriend.. Be my girlfriend.." Leo mumbled into your hair, placing light kisses on it. "Of course I will be Leo." You whispered, cuddling into his chest as the episode of Space Heroes continued.

Tbh, if any guy did that for me I would probably be ugly crying. Like. Then he would be like "lol never mind byyye." But how did y'all like it??

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