When He/You Confess - Michelangelo

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Mikey had come over to your house, gushing over this new video game he had gotten. He insisted on coming over at that moment and playing it, which you happily obliged. You had grown a crush on the crazed boy. You had made a pizza earlier for when he came over, but by now the only thing that remained was the skeleton of the pizza, which Mikey was slowly eating. It was weird, it was almost like Mikey was holding back and letting you beat him. (Which, come on, you totally could've beaten him fair and square.) "alright (y/n), whoever wins this round has to defeat the boss by themselves. You ready?" You smiled and nodded, getting your game face on. Mikey lightly chuckled, already planning on losing.
"Come on (y/n)!!! Two more hits and you win!!" Mikey had been encouraging you the whole time, slowly pulling you on his lap without you really paying attention. Not that you would have minded anyways. You kept slamming buttons. Finally, the boss was defeated. "Yes!! I did it!!" You yelled, hugging Mikey tightly, to which he hugged back. "You kicked butt!!" You giggled, as he hugged you tighter and shook you around a bit (guys I don't know how to describe that kind of hug, but they're super cute so yes.) "wait it's not over yet, keep looking." Mikey said, turning you back around in his lap. 'Hey (y/n), Mikey asked me to make this for him. Press A.' You pressed A, a bit confused. 'These words are his though, so don't worry. -Donatello. Press A.' '(Y/n)!! It's Mikey!! Look! My words are on a video game! Press A.' You giggled lightly. 'I like you (y/n), so I asked Donnie to make this game for you. Press A.' 'So that you can play it whenever and be reminded of the time I asked you to be my girlfriend. Press A.' Suddenly a little Mikey character and a little you character popped out. The Mikey character gave the little you character a bouquet of orange flowers. "Press A," he whispered, placing a light kiss on your back. You pressed A once more. 'So, (y/n), will you be mine? Press A for yes, Press B for no.' You pressed A gently, looking back at Mikey with tears in your eyes.

Guys tbh at the beginning I had complete writers block with this but ugh it turned out cute and I need this in my life. ;-;

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