Meeting the Fam - Raphael

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You were woken up by a gentle push. You looked up groggily, seeing Raphael's gentle smile. "Hey there princess." He chuckled, as you snuggled back into his chest. "I don't want you to go yet." You whined, knowing he woke you up because he has patrol. "I know. I'll come get you after.." he paused for a bit, before speaking again. "I want them to meet ya." You rolled around, making yourself sit on his stomach. He gently placed his hands on your hips. "Them?" You questioned, tilting your head. "My family." He said, sitting up and pulling you into his lap as he gently held your face with one of his hands, his thumb rubbing little circles into your cheek. "Really?" You smiled brightly. You had wanted this for a long time, you wanted to see if his brothers were really the idiots Raphael had described. You giggled as Raph began to place kisses onto your jaw and neck. He lifted you off of his lap, putting you back on the bed. He leaned over the bed. "Well? Do I get my goodbye kiss?" You smiled menacingly. "Nah, don't feel like it." He growled at you a bit, kissing your cheek. He quickly hopped out the window, onto the roof, where you figured his brothers were waiting for him.


You had fallen asleep. I mean, after all, it was like 1 in the morning! You woke up to see your favorite view. Raphael's butt. You were being carried yet again. You groaned. "Raphie? What are you doing?" You let out a yawn. "I told ya, I want them to meet ya." You sighed. "And you picked now as the meeting time????!" You smacked his butt once, which he retaliated with pinching yours. "Ow! Hey hothead, watch it!" He chuckled. After a while, the two of you stopped in an alleyway. "Is there a house behind me that I'm not seeing?" You questioned, very confused. "Just wait." You heard some clanging, and before you knew it, you were in a sewer. Yup. This felt wrong. "Are you going to put me down?" "Nah, don't feel like it." You groaned. "Hey babe, listen.. why we live down here. My dad is well. He's different than people like ya." You honestly had no idea what to expect. You also didn't know what you were expecting when Raph didn't put you down, even though you were now in front of his family. Well, I mean. You could feel the eyes burning into you. You heard a whack, then a very loud 'ow!' By none other than your hot head. He set you down gently, wrapping one arm around your waist protectively. "Raphael. That is no way to carry a lady." You smirked, sticking your tongue out at him. "This is no lady, she's (y/n)." You hit his shoulder, not that hard obviously. "Ahhh, so this is the girl Raph always gushes about." A boy wearing blue spoke. "'Oh, (y/n) is so beautiful and lovely and makes me want to turn into a giant flower'" a boy in orange began to mimic. You giggled, looking up at your now irritated boyfriend. "Zip it Mikey, before I make ya!!" Ahh. So that was the famous Mikey. Your eyes finally landed on a giant humanoid rat. They grew a bit wide at this, as he smiled at you. "It is very nice to meet the girlfriend of one of my sons." You smiled, the fear melting away. You didn't see, but nervousness was plastered on Raphael's face. "It is very nice to meet you too. Raphie has told me so much about all of you. You smiled. "Raphie?! I friggin love you!" You were pulled from Raphael's grip into the arms of a certain orange ninja. He hugged you tightly. "Can I call you Raphie too?!" "Oh Mikey, no." You were assuming that was Leo talking. He was the one really into blue anyways. "Hey, I just fixed that!!" You heard, as you turned to see Raphael with something in his hand. Well. A broken something. You looked up at Mikey. "You might want to start running." Mikey looked nervous, as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you with him, and thus begun the chase around the lair.


After a while, and being caught by Raphael, you and Mikey had sat on the couch and were now playing videogames.
*Raphael's pov*
I leaned on the wall, watching her in admiration. "You really love her, don't you Raph?" Leo. I sighed happily, nodding a bit at his question. "She's great. Plus she gets along with Mikey." Donnie walked in, holding the thing I had broken earlier. I smiled, happy that the people I held most dear were getting along. "Don't screw it up Raph." I chuckled. "I wouldn't dream of it."

Yeah I'm ending it there. It's cute, idk. You can make up how you got home or if you hung out for longer or whateverrrrrr. Idk, not good at meet the family ones, but it is done and I am satisfied and hope you guys are also. :3 plus this took like 50 billion times to rewrite cause my phone keeps dying and I don't save in time, I found my charger though, so good :) okay, hope you enjoy!!

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