Introductions {2}

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POV: Sang Sorenson

In first period, I walked in and smiled and waved at the ones who called out my name with random heys,  hi's, and hellos. 

Taking a seat in the back, I took out a notebook and pen so the teacher wouldn't have anything to say to me. It was the first day and Wil was right, I didn't need ISS (In School Suspension) right now.

A big scowling guy came in and marched straight towards me taking the seat I'd left empty behind me.

Wil's file was right; North was one scary looking guy.

But, also going by what Wil managed to get on him, he liked being able to watch everything and take in everything around him. He liked having knowledge. It was why I left that seat open for him.

Giving him a small smile, I let it slip from my face as his scowl only deepened. 

A blonde haired-cheerful Thor look-a-like came and sat in the desk directly in front of me.

His picture in that file did him no justice. Lucian Taylor had a warm beautiful smile and I loved his dimples. 

He grinned at me and I returned the gesture as he said "What's your name Cupcake? I'm Lucian but everybody calls me Luke."

Giggling, I replied, "Sang. Sang Sorenson. It's nice to meet you Luke."

He held out his hand and wiggled his eyebrows making me laugh again. Reaching out, I placed my hand in his to shake when he suprised me by bending his head slightly and letting his lips kiss the back of it. 

It was a feathersoft caress but God it packed a punch.

Gasping, I let the tingles run their course but they wouldn't stop. For as long as he held my hand, and stared me in the eye, those darn tingles kept going.

I felt myself blush and that's when I knew I should put a stop to this. Tugging at my hand gently, I exhaled a relieved breath when he let it go. Or was it disappointed?

A grunt from behind me snapped me back to attention and I listened as Mr.... I couldn't remember his name at the moment, but he was our teacher. He talked about something and I just listened waiting for him to actually give us an assignment or leave us to our own devices. I really wanted another shot at a conversation with the Taylor brothers.

That desire went unfed, however, as the teacher talked and talked and talked and talked as if he had a quota of words to reach in this one class period which technically was more Homeroom than a real class. 

When the bell rang, I knew I had to make some quick rounds so I put off my plans of getting to know the Taylors for the moment and walked slowly down the hallway.

"Hey Amanda, you doing good?," I called out.

The quiet girl stopped speaking to her equally quiet friends for the moment it took me to pass them with all of them only waving and giving me a small smile in reply.

I kept moving until I saw Mike. "Hey Mike, how you been?, " I called out.

"Hey, Sang, I'm good. You?," he answered as he fell into step beside me.

The thing with Mike is that he's actually Rocky's 3rd. 3rds aren't really official since its really up to the 2 to pick them and they don't always stay in the chain of command but Mike is a pretty good 3rd if you asked me. He's as good as Jay; well, he doesn't have Jay's muscle or intimidating presence, but he cares about Rocky's followers better than Rocky does.

You were more likely to catch Mike out here checking the hallways and bathrooms during class for a follower getting bullied than you were Rocky. Which is what i was doing on my rounds. It was early so I didn't expect to catch anyone messing with any of my followers just yet but you never know.

"I'm good. Just makin some rounds before class."

"Good idea. You didn't hear it from me, but-" his voice dropped down to a barely there whisper that I had to lean in a little to hear, "I think those new guys are seriously gonna get it sometime today. Unless you're plannin on takin em in which case I think you'd wanna make that known like asap. I'm just sayin," he defended when I scoffed.

I know what he means. Those new guys would be fresh meat but I couldn't afford to keep bringing in people like this. Wil had a seriously point about that earlier.

Still...Mike was also right. 

I knew Wil would give me an earful about this later but I told Mike "They're under my protection. ALL of them." 

"You know there's like 7 of them right? And two of em are huge bastards. Football guys. Rocky's probably gonna want them."

I pursed my lips but kept walking nodding at whoever I wanted and ignoring those that were willingly followers of the other 1s. 

"I know. IF they want to, I'll let them join Rocky BUT if not, he leaves them alone and so does Greg. Those guys--"

"The Academy guys. That's what everybody's callin em."

"Yeah, that. The Academy guys are mine. Spread it."

He gave me a rueful smile as if he knew i was making a mistake but only shook his head and walked off. 

I knew I would likely regret this. Protecting 7 guys I had yet to even really meet. Well, I'd met 2 but only one of those even spoke to me.

Sighing, I took out my phone and texted Wil, "Don't be mad. I'm takin in the Academy Guys."

He replied quickly, "I figured you would. Your next class has Dakota Lee, Gabriel Coleman, and Lucian Taylor in it. You might wanna let them know what's up."

I smirked as I typed, "You know me too well. Have fun in Bio, talk to you later."

Slipping my phone back in it's 'pocket' which was under the strap of my bra actually, I continued walking down the hallway making my way to Trailer 10. Gosh, I didn't want to go to Ms. Johnson's class. That lady just did not like me.

Word Count: 1054

Sang's the 1: Introductions {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now