Sang's the 1:Part 12

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I couldn't believe my ears or my eyes but he really truly said I belong. He couldn't know what that simple sentence meant to someone like me but I would treasure it. All of the guys began grinning at me except for North who's smile was more a half smile and Mr. Blackbourne who only waited quietly to gauge my reaction. Even Kota smiled broadly and he was the one i had barely even spoken to.

The stupid bell rang right at that moment jolting us all out of our own little world and I had the sudden urge to go take a sledgehammer to every speaker box in the school.

My phone vibrated making my chest shake just a little and feel ticklish. I blushed when all the boys' eyes went to that same place.

Nathan's mouth hung slightly open as he visibly stared at my chest. Kota looked absolutely adorable as he pushed his glasses up on his nose and kept trying to take his eyes away only for them to flick right back. Victor seemed to be having the same problem only he WS a bit more refined in his "quick" glances. The only one who was not glaring at my chest like they could will my shirt away was Mr. Blackbourne. He...well he just raised a curious eyebrow yet again.

Gabriel excalimed "Holly fuckin shit. Oy! I have got to get you in a bra that fits right. It'd stop--" only to be stopped by Luke's snickering and North's smacking him on the head.

"You chickenshit motherfucker quit that. It'll take me an hour to fix my hair back if you keep fuckin it up."

I was sure I looked like a deer caught in headlights so I stammered out a weird excuse for me to leave in such a hurry about needing to check the bathroom for tissue. Racing out of the room, I heard various voices and names calling and being called out. "Aggele wait," "Sang Baby shit hold up," "My Cupcake! Don't leave your sweetheart," And of course "Oy Trouble slow the fuck down!" 

Once I was at the end of the hall-- far enough away that I could see if they were coming after me-- I pulled out my phone.

Will: AP World History is next. You are in trailer 32 with Mr. Morris this time. There is also North Taylor and Victor Morgan in the class with you from the Academy Guys.

Me: Thanks Will. Don't forget to let me know if you see anything suspicious on the rounds.

Wil and I were trading off for around this time. Instead of me walking around the halls trying to make sure no one got bullied, wheel wood. He didn't have anymore classes after lunch and his next class was one that he could miss and the teacher would not care at all. He often spent the whole block in the office using the computer in a tiny office in the administration section. Of course Mr. Blackbourne and Dr. Green now had that area so I was sure Wil would be going to class after his rounds.

Rumors about another Last Day happening could be heard in mumbles from almost every group of people I passed but I had to hope with everything in me that it would not. I had to believe that Rocky and Greg weren't stupid enough to do that again.

I made my way to class before pretty much anyone else.

There were a couple people in there that I just really didn't like that at all, and then there were going to be people in there that I loved to be around. 

Mike was one of the latter and Greg was one of the former.

I usually sat next to Mike so when he raised his hand waving and said "Hey Sang, seat's open," I felt a little bad to shake my head no at him. 

I wanted to sit with the Academy Guys.

I did, however, move to his seat to speak with him for a little while as the rest of the class filled in. 

I purposely ignored Greg's "Saaaang. Ready for our..meeting?" when I caught on to what he was suggesting we were going to be doing in the meeting. That was a disgusting thought by the way. Ugh for him to suggest we would do..things was just...eww.

"So Sang big meeting next block huh?," Mike said thankfully without the weird suggestive tones.

I nodded "Yeah, I guess." 

He chuckled "I suppose it doesn't seem big to you at all. Especially since youre probably pretty ticked off about Will and Derek." His face got serious at this and I immediately tensed up giving him my what-the-fuck-are-you-talking-about face.

He gulped and his eyes widened incredulously. 

"What, you mean you haven't heard? I heard Will was talking to Derek last period and Derek flipped out. I heard that Derek punched Will so hard that Wii had to go see that new doctor to check out his eye because it was blessing bad but I don't really know since I wasn't there to see him."

"Go in. What else have you heard?" Shittastic fuckin hell! I shouldve gone to see Will after my music class instead of running straight here.

"Well.." he hem-hawed until i closed my face off turning it into my start-talking or i-start-hitting, "like I said it was just last period so I don't have a lot of information but. " he paused dramatically and looked around as if paranoid someone would hear him.

I snapped my fingers. I wasn't in the mood for his stalling. 

"Well, I heard its because Will was trying to recruit him, you know for you. And then Derek got mad, well you know his sister Danielle is Greg's kind-of-new girl so--"

"Wait. Danielle is with Greg? Is that why Derek was made one of Greg's followers, because of his sister?"

" Yeah. I thought everybody knew that. She likes rank I gueaa. She was after him and Rocky both for a while but Rocky did what he wanted with her, passed her around a bit to Jay and some others, and then sent her to Greg. Anyway, so yeah she made Greg take Derek in for whatever reason she cooked up in her head. Derek was supposed to be with us, you know with Rocky, but Greg wanted him and Rocky wasn't willing to go to war with Greg over a dude."

He stopped to take a breath and I realized I needed one too. My palms were stinging and I realized I had clenched my fists so hard that I drew blood. Shit what has I gotten Will caught up in? 

And why didn't we know this stuff; he may be a little quiet, but Wil was usually up on all the gossip just because we needed to know this kind of stuff to keep our followers safe. 

"Anyway well with Will, Derek hit him like I said i personally think because Will was tryin to recruit him and we all know Derek doesn't think you should be a 1."

I almost growled aloud. This Derek guy didn't even know me but supposedly everybody knew he didn't think I earned my rank?!

The room quieted and I pursued my lips but nodded at Mike letting him know I appreciated him speaking with me and letting me in on the gossip mill. I would have a talk with Will before the meeting during lunch about not keeping thinga from me and I was also going to pay this Derek a visit. No one harms my family and Will was as much as brother to me as Bryan.

I realized why the others had gotten quiet when I turned and saw that North and Victor were walking in. North had his signature scowl in place complement end by his narrowed angry eyes currently glaring at me. Victors eyes were lit up with concern and curiosity.

North sat in a seat at the very back And victor took the one two seats in front leaving one in the middle for me.

They both looked at me expectantly and i made my way away from Mike to my seat. I couldn't help but imagine a true Academy Guy sand which.....good heavens did they forget to turn the heat off or something?

"Sang Baby why the hell did you run off?!" 

Way to mess up the sxhmexy thoughts North.

I didn't think I could handle arguing with him right now though. I had too much anger ready to be let out at Derek for me to be civil.

"I just wanted to get to class." 

"I call bullshit. What were you and that dickhead talking about?" 

I huffed "Nothing North he's a friend," I got as close in his face as I could so I didn't have to yell like he seemed incapable of not doing.

I realized North was speaking but I was too busy staring at his lips. They looked so soft. I wanted to just touch them. Why wasn't I already doing that again?

My mind was caught up in a hazy fog of desire now and the next thing I new I was leaving closer. God it's give up all thoughts of beating Derek into a bloody pulp if I could just...reach...his...lips...and then Victor was tapping my shoulder. 

Blushing hard, I spun around to face North so fast that I accidentally kicked out and hit victors feet.

His eyes widened slightly and I felt my face get hotter. God he must think that was a reprimand for stopping me from molesting North. I couldn't do anything more stupid if I put a clown suit on and stood up to do the macarena.

Mr. Morris slammed a book down on his desk as he spoke "Class! Open your books and read chapters 1,2,4, and 7. They all deal with Great Wars. I want a 5 page essay on those chapters--no plagiarism--either by the end of class or do it for homework And bring it tomorrow. No talking; I want complete silence except for the sound of pages flipping and pencils on paper until the bell rings."

There were a few moans and groans but they were quickly silenced with a roaming glare from Mr. Morris.

I raised my hand. Mr. Morris sighed "Yes Sang," with an aggrieved tone 

"I need to go to the office."

"No," he responded, "Not until after you finish and hand in your essay anyway." He went back to looking down at his desk but I wasn't in the mood to be nice. I'd probably just ruined my chances of being friends with Victor and North and I was particularly still angry about the Derek thing. Add in my frustration with myself over all of it and I realized I needed to release this anger but in a beneficial way to more than just myself...Picking with Mr. Morris could be fun but it wouldnt benefit anyone else.

A little discussion with Derek about his violent behavior with Will would so just fine.

"Mr. Morris," my leg was now bouncing up and down with the energy now sprinting through my veins "I really need to go."

I put command behind my tone an he bristled at it. Stiffening he said "Are you demanding I release you Miss Sorenson?!" 

His voice had a warning in it. Danger Will Robinson. Do not pass go and do not collect 200 dollars.

Still. I knew what I needed. "I. Need. To. Go. Now."

I stood to walk out and ignored his angry sputtering even when footsteps sounded behind me and a hand touched me at the small of my back. 

The hans urged me further out the door until we were in the hallway and Norths signature scent reached me. I closed my eyes scared for the first time in a long while. What was he going to say?

All I knew was I didn't want it to be something like "Go away Sang. You're creepy, act desperate and I don't want you anywhere near me or my friends." Man i needed to hit something. 

Sang's the 1: Introductions {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now