Sang's the 1:Part 13

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"Sang Baby, what was that about? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine North. Its--" I paused. I wanted to talk to him with everything in me, but I knew myself. I needed to release this energy--violently-- and if I didn't, it would build up until I took it out on whoever was close by. Happy energy? Didn't matter. I could hold that for however long. But angry energy? As Will was apt to say, "You're a tickin time bomb with a very low count left." 

I knew Victor was curious as well so he would come out to check sooner or later. That made what I was about to do a little easier to swallow. So...I did what i had to do.

I turned away from North knowing that he would follow me. 

As I predicted, his hand landed on my shoulder trying to halt my steps as he spoke "Sang Baby fuckin shit. Just tell me what's wrong....." His voice softened into a coo. "Just tell me what's wrong. I'll fix it. I swear to God I'll fuckin fix it."

Ignoring the pleading tone--I knew i didnt have long before Victor would exit that classroom and I knew I'd if i let myself think I would not go through with it--my hands shot up over my head, grabbing his ears. I yanked as I bent forwards and North was sailing over my head. 

As he lay on the ground stunned, mouth agape, I reached down and found the special spot in his neck that , if held just long enough, would render him unconscious. I never liked using that maneuver as if you held too long, you could seriously harm or even kill but Bryan had shown it to me many times so I knew I could stop on time. I would never intentionally hurt North but the fact remained that I needed to get away from him right now.

- - - - - - - oh my geeeee - - - - - - - 

I stalked through the halls, an angry lioness looking for the creature that dared harm her cub.

I ended up at Mr. Winter's class. He was in Music Room A all day long and I knew Derek was enrolled there right now. It'd only taken me going through the school administration site, entering the override code Will had inserted as a failsafe, and looking up Derek's schedule.

I snickered, he was listed as a flute player.

Knocking on the door, I took a deep breath aa I heard "Entrè per favore," which only made me a little more angry. Mr. Winter was an American born and raised in a little town called Wichita and he didn't really speak any other languages.

Ugh everything was irritating me right now. 

I stepped in and my eyes zoomed over the non importants. They were like faceless mannequins to me right now.

Landing on the Derek, my eyes narrowed and I gave him the frostiest glare I could.

Putting all the fake sweetness I could garner into my tone, I gave Mr. Winter an innocent smile "Mr. Winter, I apologize for the disturbance but Mr. Hendrix has sent me to retrieve Derek. He really wants to speak to him as soon as possible."

I heard gasps and a few "ooohs" but ignored them. They knew what I was there for.

Mr. Winter looked at me curiously. "Why didn't someone just call on the intercom?"

"Mr. McCoy is dealing with a bomb threat and Ms. James is dealing with disciplinary forms for alone students who just got into a fight. Mr. Hendrix was in a bit of a hurry and couldn't wait for Ms. James to finish so he sent me." The one about Ms. James the secretary was true. I had no idea and could care less about what Mr. McCoy was doing. Sneaky weasel that he was.

Mr. Winter waved his hand and said "Derek? Would you please accompany Ms. Sorenson? Wait..Sang does he need his things or will he be returning for the end of the period?" 

I looked at Derek and gave him my truest smile. My pissed off smile. But I kept my tone sweet for Mr. Winter. "Oh I'm not sure but he should probably take his things. You know how Mr. Hendrix likes to hear himself talk."

Mr. Winter burst into laughter and smacked his music stand. "Incroyable. That is true my dear and from the mouths of babes. Well, Derek, hasta luego. Sang, come see me again soon? I saw that you were taking a music class--finally with that voice of yours-- yet i am not your instructor?"

His raised eyebrows were inquiring yet comical as they were pretty bushy like Einstein's. I fought not to laugh.

"Yes sir I'll remind myself to do that."

I waved goodbye to him and ignored the idiots in the room lowly chanting "Asskicking Asskicking Dereks gonna get an asskicking." Derek stomped towards me slamming the door with barely hidden annoyance in his every step.

I smirked evilly at him.

Annoyance? Meet fuckin fury. 

{Don't be mad at me. I'm leaving it short like this for a reason. Click on the next link before you shop for pitchforks, yeah? I'll get Gabriel on you if you hit first.....okay no i won't. He's too busy. We're sharing a chocolate picnic; me, him, and Luke of course.}

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