Sang's the 1:Part 17

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**Sang's POV** 

After I'd hung up with Bryan, I'd made some excuse and told Wil to keep them there for a little while. That feeling in my stomach made me nervous...anxious....a little scared. With the rumors having been circulating all day, the weirdness with the Derek situation, Bry's call about...about Dad having a stroke and that even he heard there might be another Last Day and then with the way Eddy, Greg, and Rocky were all acting during the meeting.....I just knew something really bad was going to happen and I didn't want any casualities if I could help it.

UGh! It pissed me off as well to think they were really trying this again. Last time, someone actually died. The school was just now re-opening because of the school board's being mad at the appalling way our school is ran anyway, and Greg and Rocky decide to try this already?! 

I heard them talking as I walked up.

When they mentioned they felt like they'd been being watched, it made me realize it had completely slipped my mind to explain my being a 1 and them being under my protection. Taking a deep breath, I said "Not what, Meanie. Who. And I'm a 1." Please don't be mad at anything I'm about to say.

Gabriel turned around "Holy shit on a stick Trouble you've got ninja feet!"

"Sang, what do you mean you're a 1? What does that mean?," Victor asked.


I looked around at them before walking to the end of the bench and motioning for Silas to scoot over. Instead, he reached out and pulled me onto his lap. His ocean scent wrapped around me again and I inhaled deeply trying to stamp it inside. Just in case, yknow...just in case they never wanted to speak to me again.

"Let me start at the beginning. I guess...well I guess I should start with the more personal reasons. I've always been a quiet girl. When I was younger, I was shy to the point that people picked on me and i would just take it; I was pretty much mute. I didn't talk to anyone and all I did was do my schoolwork and read a book at a table by myself."

"Oy who picked on you? When the hell was this?"

"I'm getting to it, Meanie. You see I have an older brother; Bryan Sorenson." I saw Kota and Victor share a look at that but I knew questioning them wasn't a good idea. Not right now when I had more to explain.

"Bryan was a 1 here for years. He'd been getting into fights for his entire life. Bry's the most awesome big brother; he made sure I did my homework, he got a part time job at a local tech store and took me there with him so that I would sit there and watch him work. He'd tell the corniest jokes at the most random times. Bry is so super smart, too. Like you, Kota, he was always taking the most advanced classes available. There's just so much I could tell you about Bry and i wouldn't make a dent. He has a secret chocolate addition." I winked at Luke.

"His favorite sport is baseball. Favorite color? Black all the way. If I ever see my brother wearing a neon color I might just pass out from the sight. Anyway, I'm getting off track but Bryan was always my protector. When he was around me, there wasn't a soul brave enough to pick on me. But like I said he was in advanced classes and he is older than me so there was inevitably times throughout the day where I would be alone. I'd get bullied, shoved around, called all manner of horrible names, and sometimes I would even be pushed on the ground and...well, I remember one time someone pushed me down and stepped on me like I was a freaking mat." I stopped to take a deep breath and pushed back the anger and all the overwhelming emotions that threatened to rise up inside of me at the memory.

I noticed some of the guys had their fists clenched or jaws tensed but I hoped they were willing to sit tight and let me finish. I looked around and waited until I got a nod from North before I continued. 

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