Sang's the 1:Part 9

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In walked the very personification of amazing. He was, in the briefest definition i could create, severe perfection. He walked in, he spoke no words, and he made no sounds. Even his perfectly polished shoes refused to squeak likely in fear of receiving a frown from his perfectly sculpted face. He was...perfect.

What he did do, though, was look at everything and everyone in the room with one single glance and let his eyes stay on mine

Liquid power. Liquid steel overflowing with tamed power. 

The very room itself seemed to stand up straighter, the others subtly tugged at their ties and brushed nonexistent wrinkles from their clothing. My own shoulders snapped back and I stood as straight as one of those Disney princesses with books on her head.

Somehow i knew that this man was Mr. Blackbourne and, without a clue as to why, I knew that to disappoint him would be to reach inside my chest and rip my heart into tiny little pieces with my own hand

Hook. Line. And sinker. I was done. The Academy was officially the Hot Guy Breeding Zone of the Universe. 

And by God I wouldn't have it any other way.

He raised one eyebrow but somehow I understood he was asking me a question. He was questioning my presence in this room. 

But i had a feeling that like with Victor he already expected me to be here. Maybe, instead of Victor, he was the hacker that went toe-to-toe with Wil last night? Or is it computer-to-computer? Keyboard-to-keyboard? Ugh, i mentally laughed at my rambling. This man was making me.nervous apparently. But now that that was on my mind, i made a mental note to ask Wil what it was called when two computer hackers competed in a hacking match thing.

"Mr. B." Gabe shouted "This here is Trouble, who knew Trouble really does follow us everywhere." 

Gabriel's cheeky introduction earned him laughs from the guys but a droll look from Mr. Blackbourne. 

I myself simply winked at him.

His mouth dropped open and his eyes lit up, his smile widening to show off dimples and one hand came up and flipped a blonde lock up out of his face. 

Man he and Luke must have been taking classes to flip your hair just right. I'm pretty sure Id pay money to just watch them do that all day. 

Okay my thoughts were officially.moving into super creeper territory. 

Victor's "She seems more like a beautiful Princess than Trouble to me." didn't exactly pull my thoughts towards saintly either.

"In Sang Sorenson" i said to Mr. Blackbourne who went back to silently staring holes through me. I held out my hand though be hadn't moved closer. This would force one of us to move.

Seeing as I was the one with my hand out, i thought he should.

He didn't agree.

I waited for a moment where he just stood there quietly watching before i finally moved just enough that all he would have to do is take a tiny step forward and shake my hand.

He wouldn't budge.

I looked up making sure i caught his eyes.

That steel hardened over ensuring i wouldnt see anything he didn't want me to. I saw the walls he'd erected inside them. I saw that there stood a man who would not bow down to anyone. I saw a man who would protect those he called his own with his very last breath. I saw a man who had the traits i admired most in Bryan, the traits i wished my own father had the balls to have, and the traits I've fought so hard to create and keep within myself and my followers.

I poured all the strength, determination l, and backbone i'd developed as a 1 into my eyes. Hoping beyond hope that he could read them. I wasn't used to backing down lately. By lately, i mean since I'd earned my title as a 1. 

He finally gave an infinitesimal nod and he moved ever so slightly but his hand came up and gripped mine tightly. I was impressed and pleased all at once.

Most guys give you that barely there handshake like a girl couldn't handle a real one. Mr. Blackbourne's handshake held no such preconceptions. I nodded once, succintly. 

My nod said "I respect you," and i meant it. I respected him already. 

Because of that, i wasnt ready for the next emotionless words that fell from his lips.

"Ms. Sorenson. I believe you are in the wrong classroom." 


Sang's the 1: Introductions {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now