Introductions {4}

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POV: Sang Sorenson

When the bell rang, I remained in my seat for a minute letting the others get out. I hated getting caught up in that bottleneck rush. Honestly, I hated crowds of any kind--it was hard to watch out for yourself in a crowd but it was inevitable in a school like Ashley Waters.

AW was where all the bad kids from other schools got sent to but it wasn't labeled a delinquent school. We were just another public school which is why good, sweet kids like the Academy Guys often got mixed in with the bad ones like me.

As I stood, I watched as Luke and Gabriel took their time exiting but Kota rushed out. 

"Where's he goin in such a hurry?," I asked them.

Luke turned around and answered, "He's got some AP class pretty far away from this one. His schedule's all over the place."

I nodded to show that I understood that. Last year, I was literally all the way in the last Trailer for a Math class then had to go pretty much to the front of the building to my next period in just 5 minutes. Considering the crowds here, Kota was pretty smart to rush.

I'd have to tell Wil to make sure we had someone alert to let me know how Kota fared. 

I couldn't rush off with him all the time or it would look weird but I could get others to do it.

"Where's your next class Cupcake," Luke asked me. 

"It's in Room 220. I have AP Geometry," I responded. 

"We have friends in that class. You remember my little brother North from homeroom?" 

I nodded because who could forget him...or his scowl.

Wait, little brother?

Gabe's laughter sounded off clear and deep. Obviously catching my expression, he said "Yes he said little brother. Its a little complicated to explain."

I just nodded; its all I seemed able to do around these guys. We were walking but I also needed to keep an eye on my people. Making my rounds was going to be hard this year since I had classes pretty much all over. I'd have to get Wil to fix that for me. Then again, changing my schedule too many times could raise a flag in Administration.

Whatever. It wasn't worth the headache it'd give me to figure out right now.

"Can  we walk you to class," Luke asked me.

Shaking my head, I gently refused. "No, I'm fine but thank you. Maybe next time, yeah?"

They both gave me grins and kept walking. I slowed my pace not wanting to give them the chance to stay with me. I don't know, they just struck me as the type to not pay attention to what I said and stick close to "look out" for the damsel in distress.

But I wasn't the damsel. 

As I watched them get further away, I also paid closer attention to the conversations going on around me.

Back inside the building closer to the exit was where most of Greg's followers had their lockers.

Being a 1 and protected by that one meant you got whatever privileges that 1 could get you. 

I wasn't a huge bully like Greg or Rocky so I admit I couldn't get my followers whatever they wanted. I couldn't let them skip every class and have them all excused....well I could. Wil could erase any tardies or absentees from the system, but we weren't about that.

Sang's the 1: Introductions {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now