Introduction {6}

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POV: Sang Sorenson

Well I took off running of course. Made it to class in record time.

Of course Ms. Smith already had everyone in their books working on problems so it was pretty quiet when i strolled in.

I pasted a smile on my face like nothing was wrong, like i hadn't just kept Karen from being Eddie Chow.

I saw that there were empty seats scattered throughout the room but the one i wanted was the one in front of North with a backpack in it.

There was a gorgeous red haired guy seated in front of that seat and i instantly recognized him as the one I blew my horn and winked at this morning. 

A blush stole over my cheeks as I wondered if he'd recognize me as well.

Ms. Smith cleared her throat and I could've growled at the interruption, my eyes wanted to keep drinking them in. The Academy breeded pure hot guy. 

She held her hand out for an office excuse that we both knew I didn't have. "Sorry. Personal bizz Ms. Smith. No office excuse."

She sighed but waved her hand towards the classroom as if telling me "whatever, just take a seat."

So I did.

I moved and boldly lifted the black backpack. Placing it on the floor so that it leaned against the legs of my desk, i held myself rigidly wondering what he would say.

Bring it on Mr. Scowl.......

No matter how haed I listened, I couldn't hear any reaction. He wasn't cursing me under his breath or anything. Hmmmm.....

I turned and faced him squarely. "Hey North?" A grunt sounded off but he didn't say or do anything else.

"I know we got off on the wrong foot and all but....will you be my friend?"

O God Sang just run out of here and smack yourself.

I couldn't believe I'd asked him something so elementary. I was planning to explain the double R's to him--Nathan as well--but i hated the thought of them not wanting to be near me once they realized how broken and fucked up I really was.

Sure i didn't know them that well but i kind of knew Luke and Gabriel now and I was sure that those two wouldn't be friends with anybody who was good at heart. Gabriel, in particular, seemed to have a built-in bullshit detector going by the way his eyes would narrow and semi-glare at some people I personally had tangled with in the past and knew to be less than savory characters.

North's eyes widened slightly and his bottom lip tugged down. Those lips looked so incredibly soft that I almost lifted my hand to touch them. It gave him a cute little boy look and I just barely stopped myself from awwing aloud.

"Sure. No problem," he finally managed to reply.

The cool and calm quality of his response let me know that he was a cool guy under pressure. Though this wasn't exactly pressure.

"Like I said before I'm Sang Sorenson." 

"North," he said leaving off the last name for whatever reason.

I replied "Well North welcome to Ashley Waters. Its not the best school but i hope you have a good time here...." When he didn't say anything else I started another topic. "I heard you're joining the football team?"

He smirked "Yeah Coach wants us bad."

Who wouldn't? Shit i do. Just look at you.

North's skin tone turned a little pink-ish and i realized that I had committed the cardinal sin when meeting new people: Never speak your thoughts aloud.

"I-uh-well-i-i mean--" i tried to backpeddle feeling my face heat up.

Shit! Sang get a sentence out before he starts thinkin you're a creeper.

I heard snickering and turned to see Nathan facing us with an incredulous expression as he stared at North like he just spouted a snake head that started speaking Parseltongue.

"You're speechless?! And is that a blush I see?!" He taunted North with a baby voice.

"Shut the fuck up Nate," North growled and it literally sent shivers down my body. Down girl. No attacking the new sexy guys no matter how delicious they look.

"Northy Bear likes a girl. Northy Bear likes a girl. Northy Bear--" 

"Excuse me! Are you all finished with your work?!." Ms. Smith asked.

"Almost ma'am," we chorused as if rehearsed.

I held back my giggle just until she turned her attention back to whatver she was looking at in her desk but then it burst free.

"Northy Bear?" I asked grinning at Nathan.

"Sang Baby ignore that fuckhead!," North whisper yelled.

"Aww Northy Bear doesn't wanna admit he likes the pretty girl?"

I smirked at him. I don't think he recognized me from this morning. But I definitely remembered how his chest and arms bulged out because at the time he hadn't had his blazer on and his unbuttoned dress shirt was exposing his skin tight white undershirt in all his gloriousness. One glance and I was hooked.

Did I mention that just like the others his hair looked like God himself came down to wash it everyday?! It looked like the softest cottony cloud. It kind of reminded me of a rabbit's tail...not in a weird way, more like you just saw it and immediately thought cute and soft and you wanted to touch it but you were all "i probably shouldnt though."

Yeeeahhh....that was Nathan to me.

"I'm Nathan Griffin but you can call me Nate pretty girl." His smile seemed genuine which was in contrast to his Rocky-esque dialogue. I wonder if 'pretty girl' was my new nickname, or part of a pickup line he used often on girls.

Ew just thinking of the two being kind of similar gave me the heebie jeebies.

Whereas they were both kind of muscular, Nathan was obviously more built. Seeing as he was in AP Geometry right now I'm pretty sure he was also a hell of a lot smarter than Rocky too. Not to mention he wasn't talking about himseld in 3rd person. Nathan's got my vote!

Wait what? Man sometimes my own thoughts get me all tangled up.

Nathan snapped his fingers in front of my face drawing my attention back to him and reality. "I'm not that boring am i?" 

"Yes you are," North interjected with what I could only describe as an amused grunt.

Nathan ignored him. "No you aren't," I answered. "I was just thinking about...something. So how do you like it here so far?"

Not my best evasion ever.

"Its definitely...something," Nathan said. I saw him look over my head and presumed that he was catching North's eye.

I figured if Luke and Kota could do that eye communication thing then they likely could as well. I was expecting to see that a lot today. I wondered if they could teach it to me. I could've used it a little while ago with the Karen-Eddie Incident as my mind was calling the misfortunate timing of Karen's attempt at helping her...wait did she actually say she and Derek were together?

Ugh I didn't want to think on that right now. I wanted to just enjoy the view for a little while before I had to be a 1 again. It came with so much stress. And I could hardly just spend time talking about mundane things. Another reason to like these Academy Guys. They were my first taste of normal in a while. 

I was determined even more than ever now to keep them safe. 

Word Count: 1260

Sang's the 1: Introductions {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now