Sang's the 1:Part 11

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**Still Mr. Blackbourne's POV**

As the day progressed, I caught no sight of who this Sang Sorenson was supposed to be but that was mainly because I was preoccupied. 

Mr. Hendricks had held me in a meeting with himself and Mr. McCoy for over two hours during which time they subtly told me they did not want me and my students in their school. They insinuated that we were no better than a bug. 

Yet as the meeting came to an end, it was I who spoke with a silent resolve as I said "Yet we are here, and we are not leaving until we have completed our job." 

Double entendre. I had just put the ball back into his court.

He knows we are watching him. I intentionally allowed him to overhear me instructing Mr. Korba to tail Mr. McCoy during re-registration when the school was to be allowed to open again. We were now just waiting for him to slip up.

My mind turned back to the current predicament where I was seated in the nurse's office with Sean. 

Dr. Green, my oldest friend, was 'treating' a girl who clearly had little need for medical attention at the moment.

Sean was--uncharacteristically--not flirting with the young lady but she was being incredibly persistent.

I watched as she pushed her chest out, huskily asking "Are you sure you shouldn't feel my heartbeat?"

Sean replied, "I already have, with my stethoscope, remember?"

"Yes, Dr. Sean," Sean grimaced at that and I hid my smile, "but it was so cold and I'm sure I caught my breath at the coldness. I probably messed it up. You should do it again with something warmer...your hand maybe?"

Still not clear enough to write her up for inappropriate behavior, I let it slide. 

She seemed to have forgotten I was still in the room as her eyes focused solely on Sean.

"Rebecca Watson, you are as healthy as a racehorse. If you truly fainted in gym--"

"I did, Dr. Sean I swear."

"Dr. Green, Rebecca, but as I was saying, if you did, it is likely just overworking yourself or perhaps you did not eat this morning?"

He gave her a knowing look.

She did look like one of those girls who either made themselves regurgitate purposely or skipped meals, also purposely, all in a vain attempt to make themselves more desirable to the opposite sex or more superior to their own. 

It was very off-putting; As Mr. Coleman would say, "those girls are fuckin weak-minded losers."

She gave Sean a seductive look back batting her eyelashes in rhythm of twos. Bat-bat, pause, bat-bat.

I was no longer in the mood to laugh at this. It was beginning to seem pathetic.

I turned my attention inward thinking of the silence on the boys' ends so far today.

Oh, they had been texting me about Hendricks, sure, but there were no group messages complaining about the slow pace of their classrooms or even an angry outburst from the younger Mr. Taylor. 

It was enough to make me curious. 

I was also still wanting to take a moment and find this Sang Sorenson. In a school like this, someone with those technological skills should be easy to find.

"But Dr. Green, I'm sure I'm sick. I had a terrible cough earlier."

A weary sigh coupled with a slight sagging of his shoulders was Sean's only response.

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