Sang's the 1:Part 14

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**Gabriel's POV**

My leg kept bouncing as I was sitting on the corner of Doc's desk. I can't help it. Something in me just knows some s*** is about to go. And if Sang's involved, I have a feeling my brothers were going to be giving the fuckhead students of Ashley Waters a very nice demonstration of our Academy training. I was ready to get out there and kick some asshole's head in myself.

Well fuck. Trouble's really in trouble now. I just hope she isn't in the seriously-im-gonna-go-to-jail-for-killing-a-shitty-motherfucker-for-touching-her kind....Ah shit. Who am I kidding? Sang Sorenson is Trouble with a capital T for a reason.

I scrolled up to the beginning of our group chat just to occupy myself. I could just read through the mesagaes while we waited for the others to show up.

Vic: Princess is missing. North was unconscious when I walked out into the hall

Kota: What happened?

Luke: What do you mean missing? Is North alright?

Si: f *** καμία! τι στο διάολο συμβαίνει; όπου είναι άγγελος μου; Είναι βόρεια ξύπνιος

Me: Stop talking about me.

Doc: Gabe really now? He was obviously complimenting me.I have been working out more lately.

Mr. B.: Dr. Green please refrain from making unnecessary comments for the time being. Mr. Morgan explain

Nate: who knocked North out? Is Peanut really missing?

Vic: Princess was very agitated in class when we walked in. She talked, more like quietly argued, with North briefly and after a small moment where I believe she was going to kiss him, she kicked me.

Me: Oy! She was really going to kiss that fucker?

Vic: I believe so. anyway, she was then arguing with Mr. Morris about her wanting to leave and, in the end, she just walked out. I figures she was mad at me so North went after her and I communicated to him that i would follow in 3 minutes if they weren't back by then. I spent the time inside the room convincing Mr. Morris that Sang is in her girl time and she didn't mean her attitude.

Kota: That's smart thinking Victor.

Nate: She's going to be pissed. I don't think girls like it when guys discuss their girl time.

Mr. B.: She will have to be found before she can express any anger or disagreement with our actions. Please proceed Mr. Morgan.

Vic: I waited the allotted time but when I exited the room it was to find North unconscious on his back on the floor and Sang nowhere insight . Silas, I'm not exactly sure what you said but I assume you're wondering about north. He is awake but wouldnt tell me details.

Luke: why not? Does he not remember?

Doc: does he show any signs of a concussion? Did he hit his head hard in the ground?Memory loss could be very serious.

Me: He wouldnt tell you or he couldnt tell you?

Mr. B.: Get the younger Mr. Taylor to our office immediately Mr. Morgan. If he has any issues, Dr. Green should check him as soon as possible.

Vic: We are on our way to your office Mr. Blackbourne.

Kota: I'll meet you there.

Nate: Shit, I'm on my way too.

Doc: You can't all just leave class. See Owen? I'm a big boy. I said something useful ;-)

Luke: I'm almost there now.

Me: well fuck I'm coming too.

Mr. B.: Dr. Green, however childishly said, is right. You cannot all leave your classrooms. I will meet with Mr. Lee, Mr. Morgan, and the younger Mr. Taylor. The elder Mr. Taylor as well since you are already at the door. The others will remain in class until or unless the time comes that I contact you and direct you to do otherwise.

Doc: Wait who is this Princess anyway? And Nathan who's Peanut? And Sang? Is this the same Sang that had you up all night in a hack-war Victor?

Me: What hack-war? Shit you morherfuckers are leaving us out of stuff again aren't you? That's not fuckin fair. North is as much my brother as any of yours.

Luke: actually....

Me: Shush Luke. Im proving a point here. Which is that if someone is strong or sneaky enough to knock him the hell our and kidnap Trouble, I want to find the chickenshit fucker.

Nate: yeah OK Gabe. Mr. B. I had already left class before I read that message sorry.

North: Would you fuckers stop making my phone go odd? I've got a shittastic headache.

Me: finally! You dark scowly fucker. Why haven't you been responding? Who beat your ass?

Si: Αδελφός! Τι συνέβη; Είναι Άγγελος εντάξει; Ποιος το έκανε αυτό; Πες μου. Θα κυνηγήσουν το κάθαρμα κάτω.

Me: Fuck Si stop fuckin speaking Greek already. Norths fine see? Shit I know you're talking about me anyway.

Doc: Really Gabriel? I keep telling you they speak about me when they speak other languages more than they talk about you but you just won't listen. Look how amazing I am.

Mr. B.: That is enough. All of you who are still in class remain there. Those who have already left get to my office. 

Kota: head count. Who is still in class? Gabe are you?

Me: LOL fuck no! I ran out of there 2 minutes ago. I'm like almost at the front office. Nate did you really leave already?

Nate: yeah I'm already at the office with Mr. B., Doc, and Luke.

Luke: North and Victor where are you?

Kota: Silas where are you? If someone is attacking us we need to be on alert.

Vic: We're almost there. North's turned his phone off. He says his head is hurting. He's been quiet the whole walk. We slowed our pace a bit to keep from jarring it too much 

Si: I am here.

Me: I'm here too now. Just got past Mr. Hendrix who in pretty sure was staring at my ass

Doc: what? When he had my ass to look at for hours earlier? Just goes to show how messed up that guy is. :-D

Mr. B.: Mr. Coleman just because you did not use the language aloud does not excuse it. As we are all in the office know except for Mr. Morgan and Mr. Taylor we will end this chat now. We will be waiting for you. 

Vic: OK.

Now we were just playing the waiting game. 

To pass more time I decided to pick at Silas. "Oy what the hell were you saying?"

He sighed. "The first time I said 'Fuck no. What the hell is goin on, where is my angel, and is north awake.' And the second time I said 'brother, what happened, is angel alright, who did this? Tell me. I will hunt the bastard down.' And that was it." The fucker glared at me letting me know he was wound too tight to enjoy my games right now.

Fine. Shit so was I.

I was really anxious to figure this out though. I knew North pretty fucking well. If someone had knocked him out--someone nefarious--and kidnapped Trouble, he would be the main one knocking down walls to find her. Not walking slow and complaining about a headache.

What the hell really happened in that hallway?


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