Introductions {3}

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POV: Sang Sorenson

Entering the trailer, I saw the setup and looked over the faces of the ones already in their seats.

Sighing hard, I acknowledged the fact that there were at least 4 of Greg's followers seated on the other side of the room and the other 7 in the room were Rocky's.

There were only approximately 16 desks in the room and one of them was the big one in the front for the teacher so that left the last 4 seats for me, Dakota, Gabriel, and Luke.

Man math really was everywhere.

If I was remembering correctly, Kota was the studious one. He would probably like to be closer to the teacher but I needed to insinuate myself into their "group" as soon as possible if I wanted them to trust me. 

And they most definitely needed to trust me or this would be one hell of a school year.

Taking the middle seat on the last row, I figured one of them would sit beside me, in front of me, and behind me. That would force them to speak to me. Or they could totally ignore me but, going off of Luke's personality, I doubted that would happen.

Luke I wasn't too worried about. Well, not when it came to the double R's. Rank Rivalries wouldn't factor in when it came to Lucian; he seemed nice and I would have no problem protecting him. Personally, however, he'd be a big problem. 

I wasn't interested in a relationship right now but i couldn't ignore that with one kiss on my hand, he made me feel such a barrage of emotions that I was still yet to completely decipher them all.

Dakota, as I'd been thinking, I would have to protect whether he wanted it or not. He was smart, too smart for this school, and would be a walking target for Greg's followers to bully. Rocky's followers would just make him do their homework the idiots.

As I took out a notebook and pen, three gorgeous guys came strolling in. The first had green eyes shielded by black framed glasses and he wasn't really built.

From what I could see he was your average nerd but he was a hot one for sure. 

He pushed his glasses up on his nose while he was walking towards me and some girly thing inside me just swooned. 

Looking behind him, I saw Luke come in and, after Kota took the seat in front of me--Ha! I was right--Luke took the one behind.

My eyes flew to the seat next to me when the scent of pine and citrus hit me. Whoa my God, that scent was intoxicating.

I looked over to see a guy who's picture in that file did him no justice either. 

He had a broad smile when I looked over and his crystal blue eyes seemed to shine just a little brighter as he took me in.

Staring at him, I realized he was doing the same as me--taking inventory.

The tips of his hair were dyed blonde but it all looked soft and I knew then that it was inevitable that I would get my hands in that hair someway somehow.

His smile turned into a smirk and I clung to every word he spoke as he said "Oy, so you're the beautiful Goddess Luke's been mooning about for the last 5 minutes."

My head swiveled around to glance at Luke and he was proudly smirking.

There was no embarrassment whatsoever but he did do that hair thing. Oh god it was so hot on him. The hair thing that surfers do in the movies to flip their hair back? But they always look so fake. Luke just looked hot.

Sang's the 1: Introductions {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now